Hey looking for more Dudeism News? Well we’re now posting smaller tidbits of Dudeist goodness over at the main Dudeism site, stuff that doesn’t require a full-length article, such as we do over here at the Dudespaper.
You may have noticed as well that we’ve redesigned the site somewhat: Aside from recoding everything from the ground up, we’ve put up a new column on the right side which aggregates the latest headlines from the Dudespaper as well as the most recent posts at the Dudeism Forum. Well be adding some more stuff in the upcoming weeks as well, including a section of collected Dudeist wisdom and more what-have-you.
As always, notes are welcome.
I find the new layout pretty cool. Well my opinion counts very little, since I like anything about Dudeism. I always dig your style dudes, maybe because you’re pretty cool every time. :)