There is no such thing as a free lunch. This is a lesson my dad pounded in my head repeatedly as a child. In this day and age people attempt to lure us into many "easy money" schemes. As Dudeists we must avoid these schemes lest some strange characters come into our home and attempt to drown us in our own toilets and/or pee on our beloved rug. Here are a few of the more common schemes to watch out for.
It sounds like a Swiss fucking watch. They give you the money you will get eventually anyways right? WRONG! These reactionary bastards will give you money sure enough but when you finally do get your actual paycheck they expect a large chunk of the dough for their "friendly" services. You can easily screw yourself out of fifteen to twenty percent of your pay by going to one of these places. If you absolutely must have cash right then and there then you are much better off to ask a friend who is likely to charge you no extra fee except maybe a couple of oat sodas in return.
Just about every known citizen in the United States above the age of eighteen has recieved a letter announcing the fact that they have been "pre-approved" for a fancy schmancy credit card. If you are smart then you rip these up as soon as you realize what they are. Were you to take a closer look at the fine print you would notice that there is almost ALWAYS a catch such as an extravagant interest rate or some other bullshit. If you really feel you need a credit card then your best bet is your bank. They know you and how well you manage your finances and are more likely to offer you a credit card that is fair and mutually beneficial to you and them.
"Get rich quick" pyramid schemes:
There has been enormous judicial review of these pyramid schemes and most of the sleazier ones have been shut down but a few still remain. I can offer a perfect example that happened to me. A friend calls me and tells me about this "great" dietary supplement pill and the business plan that goes with it. I spend a hundred bones or clams or whatever you call them a month and get dietary supplement pills and I also attempt to recruit people to join up. Well I wisely declined and my unfortunate compeer is now stuck paying a hundred bucks a month for some stupid ass pill and can’t get enough people to sign up to even break even. Had he even found six suckers out there he would still only break even and his biggest benefit would be a hundred bucks worth of pills every month. How much do you wanna bet he wishes he had an extra hundred bucks of bowling and White Russian money? There is really only one safe alternative to these plots. If you really need the cash then do what your parents did, get a job sir!
There are of course many other plans and what have you’s to get your money and give you practically nothing so be aware of any deal you join in on and remember that once a plan gets too complex everything can go wrong. If there’s one thing I learned in ‘Nam….
Write in your cautionary tips in the comments section below. Share the non-wealth!
Timmy Dude says
Watch out for an extended warrenty on your used car. (if you own one) Did that once and when it was time to use it, it was “I’m sorry, that’s not covered” and all I got out of it was a larger car payment.
Another is credit life insurance. I got a call from some yahoo claiming to be from the mortgage company and wanted me to enroll for it, and THEN he would send me the information about it. I told him send me the info first and I’d let him know. He replied, “Thank you for your time and have a nice day”. I guess he knew if I saw the fine print I’d know he was trying to piss on my rug.
Avoid all phone solicitors, fucking nihilists.
sufidude says
The biggest threat your stash of undies is the temptation to get a new car. it’s all math: add an above sticker real price, times the interest rate on the auto loan, plus state sales taxes, minus the rapid rate of deflation and that dudes, equals ripoff. And let’s not get started on standard issue packages and options.
Dude1967 says
Actually, most “extended warranties” on items such as electronics, or appliances are a big waste of money.
DudeColt says
Check my first Keeping the Baksheesh article on why you don’t even need a car in the first place.
The Dudely Lama says
here’s an article that provides a way to get a loan that’s easier than a payday advance:,0,6483352.column