Taking a look at the big questions, about god and an afterlife, and how they relate to Dudeist philosophy.
Loafing Toward Salvation
Chris Barclay explains why time spent in leisure can be the most productive time for creativity. We think the Dude would agree.
Epicurus’ Four Cures
Hiram Crespo shares his insights into Epicurian philosophy with us. Epicurus preached his version of the Take it Easy ethos centuries ago.
When it Comes to Same Sex Marriage, Dudeism Abides
Same sex marriage is now the law of the land in the US. We here at the Church of the Latter-Day Dude think that’s far out. Dudeism supports the notion that you can’t have too much love or freedom, so long as that love and freedom don’t hurt anyone else.
Type 2 Fun, Dudeism on the Colorado River
Rev. Govna G. takes a raft down the Colorado River and comes back a wiser Dude. Plus he shares some stunning images of the river with us.
Walking the Path of the Dude Way
Reverend Nelson Templar shares his thoughts about how to follow the Dude Way, and what it means for the future of Dudeism. Slow down and take a walk along the Dude’s path.
How to perform a Dudercism
Another from the far out mind of Nuna Dudeist Monk Berb. Answering the question, what is a Dudeist exorcism, and how to rid yourself of negative vibes.
Wave of the Future Dude: How Dude Inspired Schooling Could be Part of Our Future
Nuna Dudeist Monk gives us a possible look at the future of education conducted with a Dudely vibe. With the help of the Mad Hermit Nuna theorizes how our children might learn in the decades to come.
The Walking Dead-Inside: How Apathy Turns Us Into Zombies
When we fail to connect with the humans and nature around us we risk becoming a zombie, an empty shell that only consumes for immediate cratification. Embracing empathy and connecting with the world are ways to inoculate one’s self from apathy and zombification.
McMindfulness: Metaphysical Happy Meal, or Junk Soul Food?
Mindfulness may lead to reduced stress and abiding, but with so much McMindfulness in the marketplace, meditator beware.
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