You may have noticed that there haven’t been any posts in a while. We’re taking an indefinite break but moving on to other things. Read more to find out what…
Calm and Reason, for a Better Tomorrow
The Dudeocratic Party’s Campaign to elect Calm & Reason as state-of-mind. When it comes to politics people can get carried away with their emotions, we urge everyone on all sides of the issues to just, take it easy, man.
Benjamin Franklin and the Art of Virtue
Arguably America’s first Great Dude in History, Ben Franklin was our first self-help guru. After acquiring enormous success as an achiever, Franklin spent the rest of his life pursuing the Way of the Dude. Part of his Dudely success came because he had developed an easy to follow system of virtue.
When it Comes to the Existence of God or an Afterlife: Well Dude, We Just Don’t Know
Taking a look at the big questions, about god and an afterlife, and how they relate to Dudeist philosophy.
Loafing Toward Salvation
Chris Barclay explains why time spent in leisure can be the most productive time for creativity. We think the Dude would agree.
Because What’s A Hero? In Defense of Slackers
The slacker performs an important function in our society. Rev Kris Harrison explains how the slacker archetype hero has been a staple of civilization, and why that’s a good thing.
Epicurus’ Four Cures
Hiram Crespo shares his insights into Epicurian philosophy with us. Epicurus preached his version of the Take it Easy ethos centuries ago.
When it Comes to Same Sex Marriage, Dudeism Abides
Same sex marriage is now the law of the land in the US. We here at the Church of the Latter-Day Dude think that’s far out. Dudeism supports the notion that you can’t have too much love or freedom, so long as that love and freedom don’t hurt anyone else.
Type 2 Fun, Dudeism on the Colorado River
Rev. Govna G. takes a raft down the Colorado River and comes back a wiser Dude. Plus he shares some stunning images of the river with us.
Walking the Path of the Dude Way
Reverend Nelson Templar shares his thoughts about how to follow the Dude Way, and what it means for the future of Dudeism. Slow down and take a walk along the Dude’s path.
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