Another from the far out mind of Nuna Dudeist Monk Berb. Answering the question, what is a Dudeist exorcism, and how to rid yourself of negative vibes.
A Montage of Egos: Enjoying Nightlife The Dude Way
Enter any bar or nightclub over the weekend and you’ll see the true face of society exposed. Reverend James Rees shares his thoughts on how to enjoy a night out, the Dude Way. He lays out some good advice to help you avoid being sucked into the drama associated with too much of a good thing, and other people’s undudeness.
Wave of the Future Dude: How Dude Inspired Schooling Could be Part of Our Future
Nuna Dudeist Monk gives us a possible look at the future of education conducted with a Dudely vibe. With the help of the Mad Hermit Nuna theorizes how our children might learn in the decades to come.
The Walking Dead-Inside: How Apathy Turns Us Into Zombies
When we fail to connect with the humans and nature around us we risk becoming a zombie, an empty shell that only consumes for immediate cratification. Embracing empathy and connecting with the world are ways to inoculate one’s self from apathy and zombification.
McMindfulness: Metaphysical Happy Meal, or Junk Soul Food?
Mindfulness may lead to reduced stress and abiding, but with so much McMindfulness in the marketplace, meditator beware.
No Frame of Reference #22
This has been a summer of bummers, man. And now Great Dude in History Robin Williams has passed as well. The Archdudeship says a heartfelt eulogy for him here. Good night sweet prince.
Dudeist Baptism
Dudeism doesn’t have many rituals but that doesn’t mean we don’t enjoy a good rite with friends and family. Am I wrong? Rev. Purdy imagines what a Dudeist baptism might be like. Careful man, there’s a beverage here!
The Dudeist’s Cup
Rev. Colin Flahive takes a look at the eternal optimist/pessimist debate and concludes that it’s all a travesty, man. With life full of ups and downs, strikes and gutters, one is better off being a “Dudemist.” The glass is always half and half.
The Dude and His Car: A Dudeist Version of a Famous Taoist Parable
Life is full of ups and downs, strikes and gutters. That’s what Taoism (and Dudeism) is all about. Perhaps you know the story of the Taoist farmer? That’s a good one. Here’s the Dudeist version.
You Only Live Once, Man
Rev. Paul Purdy takes a look at the annoying phrase YOLO and points out that it’s very Dudely indeed if understood correctly. Don’t let the Nihilists co-opt this eternal spiritual truth, man!
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