Arch Dudeship Dwayne Eutsey nominates one of the Greatest Dudes in History for our esteemed accolade. Mark Twain was a halcyon harbinger of everything Dudeish in America. Even today, almost 100 years after his passing, he still reads like the languid voice of reason.
Great Dudes in History: Jeff Dowd
Just in time for his birthday, this Great Dudes in History installment pays respect to the man behind The Man (“for his time’n place”) – Jeff Dowd, the dude who inspired the character of “The Dude” himself.
Great Dudes in History – Mitch Hedberg
The honor goes to this Great Dude in History, a comedian who just released a posthumous album and cracks us up from beyond the grave.
Great Dudes in History #0
A brief note to remind everyone there are more Great Dudes in History back at