Dudeism doesn’t have many rituals but that doesn’t mean we don’t enjoy a good rite with friends and family. Am I wrong? Rev. Purdy imagines what a Dudeist baptism might be like. Careful man, there’s a beverage here!
The Dudeist’s Cup
Rev. Colin Flahive takes a look at the eternal optimist/pessimist debate and concludes that it’s all a travesty, man. With life full of ups and downs, strikes and gutters, one is better off being a “Dudemist.” The glass is always half and half.
It’s the Zenned of the World…and I Feel Fine.
With the industry of fear at fever pitch, Rev. Colin Flahive thows a bucket of refreshing water on the inflammation. In this wake up call for humanity he reminds us how good we’ve got it and how the universe doesn’t really give a shit about us. All that remains is to abide our what-have-you with grace and goodwill.
The Big Lebowski and The Big Kahuna: Dudeism and Hawaiian Mysticism
We’ve long wanted friend and Dudeism contributor Rev. J.J. Vicars to write something for the Dudespaper. So he treated us to this treatise on Hawaiian mysticism, or Huna. It seems that Huna is Dudeism in a far out, flowery shirt! Makes us feel all warm outside.
Can’t Be Worried About That Shit
Brian Dean from Anxietyculture.com has provided us with another profound Sermon from the Sofa — this one is about worrying and how utterly pointless it is. If only we could train our brain to become privy to that shit. Dudely Mr. Dean suggests some good leads.
Living on Our Allowance
Rev. Govna G is back with a heartfelt meditation on moderation. One of the things that makes the Dude so dude is that he is content with what-have-he. Just like that other Great Dude in History, Socrates.
Have yourself a Dudely Holiday
Rev. Stella Quinn returns to preach the gospel of Christmas – the original, unadulterated first draft. Christmas doesn’t have to be an expensive drag–it can be a very dudely time indeed, so long as we abide by its deeper meaning.
Abiding Activism
Rev. Stella Quinn is back with her take on what it means to protest without placards, march without mantras, and occupy without going outside. Just because we’re bereaved doesn’t mean we have to hang out in cold public spaces and hold heavy signs. There are ways, dude…
When Life Hands You Lemons, Tell Life You Wanted a Beer
Our pal Stella Quinn is back to share some sage advice and sympathy. When life throws you down in the dumps, you can’t be worried about that shit. Or rather, you can. And in fact maybe you should throw a tantrum. The trick is to acknowledge (and even enjoy?) the gutterballs. They’ll roll on by soon enough.
A Sermon on Dudeism
Rev. Kevin Stillmock provides a good sermon and thurrah to inspire us to lodge ourselves against the abidement. It can be hard even for the most devout of us Dudeists to remain dude in all situations. It’s not such a simple…you know? And yet, it is a simple plan. A Swiss fucking watch.