The slacker performs an important function in our society. Rev Kris Harrison explains how the slacker archetype hero has been a staple of civilization, and why that’s a good thing.
A Montage of Egos: Enjoying Nightlife The Dude Way
Enter any bar or nightclub over the weekend and you’ll see the true face of society exposed. Reverend James Rees shares his thoughts on how to enjoy a night out, the Dude Way. He lays out some good advice to help you avoid being sucked into the drama associated with too much of a good thing, and other people’s undudeness.
The Dude and His Car: A Dudeist Version of a Famous Taoist Parable
Life is full of ups and downs, strikes and gutters. That’s what Taoism (and Dudeism) is all about. Perhaps you know the story of the Taoist farmer? That’s a good one. Here’s the Dudeist version.
You Only Live Once, Man
Rev. Paul Purdy takes a look at the annoying phrase YOLO and points out that it’s very Dudely indeed if understood correctly. Don’t let the Nihilists co-opt this eternal spiritual truth, man!
In Plain Sight: Dude is Everywhere
Rev. Steebs points out a very Dudely notion — that Dudeists are everywhere, even if they don’t self-apply that handle. It’s incumbent upon us to both be Dude and to see Dude, wherever it may be, even if it’s not dressed up in a robe and jellies.
That’s Fucking Interesting, Man
What, the fuck? Yes, that’s the subject of this fucking interesting article by contributor Mark Mac. Our favorite movie may not be the one with the most F-bombs in it, but it may be the most fucklosophical. Let’s take a look.
How to Find Your Own Purpose
Brian Dean from Anxiety Culture is back with a helpful essay about cracking the case of what your life’s all about. As a wiser feller than ourselves once said: To dude is to be.
The Zen of Walter
While it’s easy to look at the Dude as the gentle Taoist master and Walter as the Old Testament enforcer, perhaps Walter plays an integral part in the Dudeist yin yang dynamic. Rev. Aaron Weintraub sympathizes here with the Dude’s freedom-fighting best buddy.
The Power of Realistic Thinking
Rev. GMS takes a look at the “Power of Postiitve Thinking” movement. Recently it’s come under scrutiny, which is no surprise to the Dudeist. Positive thinking can be another form of uptight thinking, making our thinking about this case very uptight. Keep your mind limber instead with realistic thinking.
That’s Your Name, Dude
Rev. GMS discusses the way in which getting caught up in the names of things can blind us to reality. The Dude may have insisted on being called the Dude, but other than that, he wasn’t too hung up on semantics. It’s like Lenin said…