Many Dudeist priests get ordained mainly so that they can preside over wedding ceremonies. While that’s only a small part of what Dudeism is all about, it can be one of the most important to do in a dudely way — that’s because it’s not just a private presidence. The Dudely Lama discusses his own experiences officiating at weddings — and also why ceremonies like that can be such far out experiences for everyone in attendance.
Entertaining Little Lebowskis
There’s a whole new generation of Little Lebowskis on the way–that’s the way the whole durn human comedy perpetuates itself. Yet if we let the boob tube nurse them, the durn comedy can turn durn tragic. Rev. Stella Quinn discusses ways to entertain Little Lebowskis without having them turn into Little Larrys.
Aw…Look At Me, I’m Ramblin’ Again
Rev. Jason Michel ruminates on what makes a Dude. Is it to be yourself, no matter what the cost? Is that what makes a Dude? Or is it that and a pair of principles: a sense of humor and integrity? Dudeism can mean many things to many people. It’s just our opinion, man, but it’s also important to ask and try to answer these questions.
Innerview With Bernie Glassman Part 1: Surfing the Indra-Net
After covering the goings on at the Zen Peacemakers retreat, Rev. GMS interviews the founder of that league, one Bernie Glassman. He is a good Zen master, and thurrah. Part one of a series.
Dude Confessions
Rev. Akshay N R shares a little about what Dudeism means to him. In this honest inventory of a rough day of the soul he helps us see that being dude is the opposite of being a dick. “Fuck it” – that’s his answer for everything. And ours too.
Dudeism, a New Home for Lost Hippies
Where have all the hippies gone? Is the revolution over? Condolences? Rev. GMS takes a look at the history of hippies and concludes that now that darkness of the drug wars and the yuppie insurgency has warshed over, it’s high time for them to find a new home in Dudeism. Welcome back from furthur on down the trail.
Are You Happy, You Crazy Fuck?
Hey we just stumbled upon a very far out diagram to figure out how to be happy. Sure, it’s not your answer for everything, but it’s pretty cool nonetheless. Tattoo it on your forehead, if you’ve got a really big forehead.
Some Kinda Eastern Thing?
The Buddhist magazine Tricycle just featured an article about Dudeism. For some reason they seem to think that we’re a form of Buddhism. Though we dig some of the Buddhist style, there’s no literal connection.
May the Deuce Be With You
What do you get when you put the Dude of The Big Lebowski together with The Force of Star Wars? The Deuce, that’s what. The force holds the universe together, and the rug ties the room together. There is definitely a literal connection. Become Deuce Masters we can. Rev. Andrea Favro shows us how.
I’m Picking Up Dude Vibrations
Italian Dudeship Andrea Favro shows us a cool method of Taoist meditation that revolves around breathing. It’s easy to do and makes you feel very dude. Yinyangtastic!