Italian Dudeship Andrea Favro inspired us all last December with his genius article “Your Own Personal Genie.” Now he revists the topic thurrahly to provide us with some practical tips on how to throw rocks tonight and every night.
Really Down in the Dumps
Italian Dudeship Andrea Favro takes a look at one of the gutters in the bowling tournament of life — depression. He’s got a few great tips to help us always look on the bright side of life. Even when darkness warshes over.
Surprised at My Tears #3: Fear part II
Rev. Andrea Favro (The Dudeship of Italy) tackles Dudeist emotions once again. In this second part of his examination of that fucking bitch of an emotion, fear, he looks at the fear of death. Can’t be worried about that shit — life goes on, man — even when it doesn’t.
Surprised at My Tears #2
Rev. Andrea Favro’s second in a series on the emotional life of the practicing Dudeist concerns Fear, high in the running for lousiest emotion worldwide. Let’s get down to cases and find out how to not worry about that shit.
Surprised at My Tears #1
In a brave new series of articles, Rev. Andrea Favro will discuss Dudeist emotions. This first installment will take a look at that most Un-Dude of emotions: Anger. How can we manage it, mang?