Despite using the handle of a well-known mexican fast food franchise, our roving reporter Chalupa is also a fan of good burgers, dude. And so it was that on one lunch break at Wendy’s he had a sort of epiphany after meeting a young employee there, who despite having a less-than-enviable job expressed such enthusiasm for a certain brand of soda that it proved to be food for the soul. A very dude attitude indeed.
Dolphins – This Aggression Will Not Stand
Our man on the cinematic scene, Chalupa from Lebowskipodcast chimes in with this heartfelt paean to the suffering of dolphins and current efforts to help them – including a dramatic activist movie called The Cove. The Dude minds too, man. Check out the clip of Jeff Bridges talking about dolphins on the Conan O’Brien show.
I Could Be Sitting Here With Just Pee-Stains On My Policy
Are health insurance companies trying to scam anyone here, man? Rev. Chalupa from fell face down in the muck of bureacracy and (so far!) has lived to tell about it. But by remaining very Dude about it all, he listened and learned something. We can too.
The Big Lebowski: A Moral Review
Lebowski Podcast Master, Rev. Chalupa weighs in on the fact that some people find The Big Lebowski offensive. Do they have to use so many cuss words? And there’s nymphos, porn moguls, and pederasts in the mix. He raises the question, how do we become apologists without having to be apologetic?
Look Both Ways
Our buddy Chalupa chimes in with a simple public service announcement. The beauty of the announcement is its simplicity. When an announcement gets too complex everything can go wrong. If there’s one thing we learned in ‘Nam…
The Year of the Dude
According to the Chinese Zodiac, 2009 is the Year of the Ox. Are they wrong? This just might be the Year of the Dude. Our compeer Chalupa over at has peered into his crystal bowling ball and discovered some intriguing omens associated with the new Obama presidency.
She’s Gotta Feed the Monkey
Chalupa from looks at some of the sage financial lessons embedded in The Big Lebowski. Learn how to feed the monkey without scamming anyone, man, least of all – yourself.
What makes a man, Mr. Lebowski?
Chalupa from weighs in on an important issue: What makes a man? It’s a central theme of The Big Lebowski and a testament to the Dude’s greatness.
I’d Love It If You Came Over And Gave Me Notes
Our good buddy Chalupa over at serves up life lessons distilled from The Big Lebowski.