Rev. Erik Gamlem discusses how presiding over a wedding as a Dudeist Priest can not only be a dude thing to do for your friends, but it can also make you feel all warm inside. Love, in the true sense of the word.
Dudeheart: The Ramblings of a Scottish Dude
Our Scottish pal J.P. Fitzpatrick discusses what Dudeism means to him. If a new law passes in Scotland, Dudeists will be able to administer weddings, but that’s not why he converted to Dudeism. He also includes some very Dudely poems in his ramble.
Peaceful Easy Healing
Rev. Mike Bennett has a good old vent about a bad time in his life and how finding Dudeism and adopting a dudely attitude helped him through the valley of the shadow of dipshits. Ahh. Feels better, don’t it?
The Spiritual Path of Dudeism
In Rev. Nelson Templar’s Dudeist Testament he discusses the spiritual meaning Dudeism has for him. Good knowin’ he’s out there, takin er deeply for us sinners.
The Tree of Life
Rev. Paul Purdy bares his soul about a rough period in his life and how he is doing his best to abide, to take er easy and to say “life goes on, man.” It’s not an easy thing to take it easy when you’re going through a dark night of the undude. We’re sympathizing here, Dude.
The Silence of the Dude
Dudespaper contributor Mark Mac is back again, but this time with a heartfelt confessional for our Dude Testaments section. He recounts how he once was living a lie, chasing the dream of success. And it took losing it all to find that success is not counted in possessions but in experiences. Deep stuff, mang. Life goes on.
The Lebowski Precepts
We’ve mentioned the Zen Peacemakers a lot in the Dudespaper because we dig their style. They’ve recently come up with a Lebowskian take on the sacred Buddhist Precepts. Really ties the religions together, does it not?
Production Value, Feelings…
Rev. James Hutchison, a professional photographer and Dudeist Priest reflects on how The Big Lebowski made him a more dudely photographer and a more relaxed fellow. Oh, snap!
What Dudeism Is To Me
Rev. Andrea Favro shares his easy-takin’ vision of what Dudeism is all about. It might be such a…a…you know? In fact it might be a lot less complex. Say what he will about the tenets of Dudeism, dude.
Just Papers, My Papers, Business Papers
Rev. Amanda Macias shares with us a deep and profound moment on her dudely path. What would you save from a house figuratively (or literally?) burning down? We’re stoked to hear what the good Rev. Amanda grabbed as she bailed out of an undude situation.