Hey there’s some deep new shit at Dude University. Check it out, mang. Also, we’re planning on starting a more official-type university, “Abide University” where we’ll be giving out free degrees and drinking too much beer. Just like college, except for the free part. We’d love it if you gave us notes.
Saint Lebowski
Our pal Cathleen Falsani turned us on to her compeer Jason Byassee’s awesome article about slacker culture, Lebowski, and Christianity. Dr. Byassee has graciously allowed us to republish it here. We hope you dig his style. He’s a good man and thurrah. Got that whole ecclesiastical thing goin’ on.
The Age of the Mashup
Adam Bertocci, the wunderfella of Two Gentlemen of Lebowski takes a look at what might have happened had The Big Lebowski been mashed up with some other author’s work instead of Shakespeare. A witty and literary look at what makes a mashup, Mr. Lebowski.
The Lebowski Complex: Growing Up 1.5
Deep dude Tim Carroll takes a look at the modern problem of too much information, man, and posits that we are all of us like Lebowski, trying to sort through all the strands that the information age has put in our heads. Now there’s a name for the complex, so that’s what you call it.
Dude, Esquire
We pay respect to Esquire magazine for featuring some dudely content (various uses of the word “dude”). and briefly look at the word “Esquire” itself. It’s actually a pretty dudely term if you look at it limberly.
The Mind, Limber
If, as a recent Boston Globe article suggests, making mistakes is what makes us smart, then the Dude sure is a smarter feller than ourselves. It all has to do with different ways of reasoning about things. And there’s no reason, no fucking reason, we shouldn’t all reason a bit more like the Dude does.
If You William it, It Is No Dream
We all know that The Big Lebowski appeals to both the high- and the lowbrow within all of us. Well, our highbrows just got really fucking high, dude. An award-winning writer named Adam Bertocci just rewrote the entire Big Lebowski script in the style of a wiser feller than ourselves–William Shakespeare. It’s much a-dude about nothing!
Lebowskitheory at Dude University
Lisa Donald has closed her Lebowskitheory site, but she’s graciously allowed us to publish her award-breaking material at our very own Dude University. The beauty of her theory is not its simplicity (lotta ins, lotta outs), but its genius, if we understand it correctly. Come take a gander.
Dude University!
For all those Dudes out there looking to earn a Ph.Dude degree, Dude University is the place. Now you have the necessary means, necessary means to achieve the modest task which is your charge!