Some of you may still not be privy to the fact that there’s a huge Lebowskifest tour rolling its way across the USA. Rev. Hugh Slesinger gives a shout out to all good Dudes of the world to try to make it to at least one of the upcoming dates. It’s going to be looked back upon like this generation’s Woodstock — the original uncompromised first draft, that is.
Mixed Up In All This, Dude
One of the great things about The Big Lebowski is its soundtrack. But after you’ve listened to it a thousand times, you need something else to drown out the voices. Finally, there’s original(ish) music based on The Big Lebowski. We’re throwin’ rock tonight!
I Sure Hope We Make it to the Lebowskifest
All religions need to have a holy pilgrimage, and Dudeism is blessed by the fact that there are many held each year. We’re talking about Lebowskifest, here. These amazing summits of trancendental Dudeness are to the true Dudeist what Mecca is to the Moslem, Jerusalem is to the Judeo-Christian, and Vegas is to worshippers of Satan. Pack your friends into the Gran Torino, or security van, and be there, man! Arch Dudeship Dwayne Eutsey reports.
Happy Birthday to The Lebowski Podcast
Hey our pals over at are turning two! About time to start mixing Kahlua into their baby formula, don’t you think?
A Prayer to Our Special Lady
Rev. Bradley Ducak provides a prayer for those privy to St. Da Fino’s Virtual Shrine of Our Special Lady. Keeps your mind limber and your soul fortunate.
The Dude and I
Senior writer for Entertainment Weekly Clark Collis shares how The Dude saved him from the doldrums.
Enjoying My Coffee
Ever notice that beverages play an important role in The Big Lebowski? Perhaps as much as the holy White Russian, coffee pops up again and again as an important motif. We also pay special attention to the Folger’s can/urn.
The White Russian Revival
There’s a big article in the New York Times today about the Dudeist drink-of-choice: the White Russian. Finally, something newsworthy that makes you happy to read about.
Norwegian Woo: The Beatles / Lebowski connection
From the Department of Occasional Acid Flashbacks: Brian McCloskey puts forth a well-argued theory that The Beatles actually wrote a song about The Big Lebowski in 1965. Is it plausible? Well, Dude, we just don’t know.
Blueprint for Dude Living
The Dudespaper’s Chilean correspondent, Andrea Miranda Atenas provides us a view from on-high of The Dude’s Bunga-low. She really tied the rooms together, did she not?