Rev. Stella Quinn discusses that very common modern dillemma — what if you’re a Dudeist in a relationship with a Pastafarian? You’d be surprised how often people write in to tell us about this. No kidding. Rev. Stella discusses what it’s like to be special friends with someone of a different Creedence. Those are good spaghetti burgers, dude.
Dudeism for Chicks
Recently some in the media have accused Dudeism of being “phallocentric.” This accusation will not stand! The Dudeocracy minds, dude! Rev. Stella Quinn discusses what it means to be a female Dudeist in this strongly imaginal article.
Dudeism for Christians
As one of the many Christian Dudeists out there, Rev. PadreDelElToro sees a lot of Dudeism in Christianity and vice-versa. Only the central Dudeist message of that ancient faith has too often gone missing. Luckily, the good Padre is here to fit it right back in there. Why read the whole Bible? This article contains all you really need to know about The Jesus and what God blathered about.
The Solitary Slacker and Dudeism
In this candid and curious examination of what it means to be religious, Rev. Rhys Owens makes the case that having a comedy at the basis of your worldview may be the ideal form of idolatry. Is he havin’ a laugh? Yes he is. And we should all join him.
The Bosom of the Pacific
As we’ve often said, it’s no easy thing to take er easy. Rev. Noah Hess discusses how he was looking for peace of mind and found it not in meditation or books, but in the bosom of the pacific ocean.
Abiding and Nothingness
Rev. Kris Harrison stands up for nothing as he argues that nihilism isn’t as bad as Uli, Franz and Dieter would make us otherwise believe. Rather than being a philosophy for dipshits with a nine-toed woman, it is in fact a very Dudely way of looking at the world.
On Dudeism
Rev. Rhys Owens takes a deep philosophical look at Dudeism, its discontents, its malcontents and its very contents, thank you. This smart feller has marshalled the entire force of history and laced it with just enough Thai stick to make abundantly clear that Dudeism fits right in there. Is it a church? Is it a steeple? Where are its people? Let’s take that hill and find out.
Careful Man, There’s Vinegar Here!
The Chinamen are definitely the issue here. Rev. William Hoffknecht discusses one of the cornerstones of Taoist iconography – a painting called “The Vinegar Tasters” and finds that just as it illuminates the personalities of Confucius, Buddha and Lao Tzu, it also does so for Walter, Donny and the Dude. Is there a literal connection? Well dude, we just don’t know. Sure seems like it!
The Dude Minds – Meditation for Dudeists (Dudeitation)
Very few people are born Dude. Most of us have to learn how to become more like the Dude, and one of the best ways to do that is by practicing dudeitation (Dudeist meditation). The Dudely Lama discusses how to do it in this Holy Dudeist Sutra.
That’s Just the Stress Talking, Dudes!
Rev. Andrea Favro provides some practical ways to alleviate stress in your life. Takin ‘er easy should be easy to do, and Andrea helps us take the road less troubled.