Dudeist Priest and song writer Ward Davis tells us about how he came to write a song for Willie Nelson and Merle Haggard to use on their new album.
An Interview With Director Khashyar Darvich
Reverend Gary M Silvia catches up with director Khashyar Darvich, and talks with him about Dudeism and his new film. Playing to a packed house, Dalai Lama Awakening had a showing at Railroad Square Cinemas in Waterville Maine, and the Dudespaper was there.
It’s All Just A Gameboy, Man
Attendees of last weekend’s Lebowskifest were treated to a weird and wonderful performance of The Big Lebowski soundtrack arranged on a Nintendo gameboy. Find out more about the artist here.
The Music Business, Briefly
Rev. Eirah Lewis looks at the music to our beers–that is, the tunes that tie our lives together. What is Dudely music? Or is all music Dudely? It’s a complicated tape, modern music. Lotta intros and outros. Lotta bands in ol’ Duder’s head.
Creedence and the Fuckin’ Eagles, Man
Rev. Stella Quinn is back to run through the jungle, look out her backdoor and even get a peaceful easy feeling in this rockin’ good new article. The Eagles and Creedence — divergent poles of musical Dudeism, or merely birds of a different feather? Listen to the high priest of zymurgy’s story.
Pray Hey Hey: The Dude’s Prayer Set to Music
Our pal Martyn Goodacre has set The Dude’s Prayer to music. This may be the grooviest religious music since Jesus Christ Superstar! Let us know which version you prefer – extra echoey or regular style.
This is Our Concern, Dude – The Album
The band “Banquets” has allowed the Dudespaper exclusive right to stream their new album “This is Our Concern, Dude”. They’re Big Big Lebowski Fans and though the songs don’t reference the film, they do in fact throw rocks tonight!
Turn that Shit Up, Man!
Another great mix of Lebowski audio clips set to groovy music has surfaced. That dance quintet is really coming along now…
Shine On, You Crazy Dudemond
Music plays a big part in The Big Lebowski. It also plays a big part in our everyday life – the music of social interaction isn’t composed with notes, but with attitude. Lone Dude is pickin’ up Good Vibrations in his first article.
If The Dude Recorded an Album…
In imagining what kind of an album The Dude would record, Rev. Aaron Hazan makes a surprising but intriguing suggestion for a musical Great Dude, a nomination based largely on his incredibly slow approach to recording his most recent album.