Help preserve The Big Lebowski by politely asking Donna Ross ( at The National Film Registry to preserve the movie, down through the generations, across the sands of time. Don’t let it die face down in the muck! Tell all your friends! This omission will not stand!
Big Lebowski L.A. Screening Party and Free Copies of the Abide Guide!
This coming Tuesday night, August 30 a very special Lebowskian event will be taking place in Los Angeles. Find out how to attend. And also find out how to get a free copy of The Abide Guide! The Dudely Lama will be there to bless the event and probably to get a little drunk. Join him!
Dude Apocrypha
An amazing 1998 promo video for The Big Lebowski just came to light, man! Really ties the last 13 years together. Does it not? We also ruminate on the idea of a Lebowski sequel and propose an interesting idea for a Lebowskistein’s monster.
Dudeism Does Lebowskifest
Well we finally did it. We finally went and attended the Louisville Lebowskifest. The physical epicenter of Lebowski mania. It was everything it was cracked up to be. Finally met some old friends face to face, filmed some far out happenings and bathed in the Dudely vibes. Here’s the Dudely Lama’s thankeeful report.
The Lost Coen Brothers – Big Lebowski – Floor Covering Weekly Interview!
Like the Dude himself, we at the Dudespaper have been sleuthing around trying to find the lost Coen Brothers “Floor Covering Weekly” interview–the one where they talk about the rug’s role in Lebowski. Some thought it was a hoax (even the Coens thought that). But we’ve got information man! We present it to you here in all its glory. There will be no bill.
The Big Lebowski Full Length Commentary Track
Far out! Chalupa and Liz and friends from Lebowskipodcast have provided the world a much needed service – a commentary track for the holy movie! Kick back and listen as these fine folks expound on this ahere story as it unfolds.
Cameo yes, Mr. Lebowski
Hey, Dudeism was mentioned on ABC’s esteemed TV news show “Nightline.” Thanks to Will and Scott at Lebowskifest for that. As we were watching we noticed an amazing cameo that we hadn’t seen before. Amateurs? Perhaps, but we can’t let this go unmentioned. Not everyone is privy to this shit.
The Little Lebowski Shop
Having started the first of (what we hope to be) many Lebowski-themed retail outlets in the world, we were eager to chat with proprietor Roy Preston of the Little Lebowski Shop in NYC. If you’re in the area, go down and help support this zesty enterprise.
The Day Donny Died
Rev. Jorge Eduardo Alcalá really throws rocks tonight in this detailed analysis of the chronology of The Big Lebowski. When exactly does it take place? Lotta ins and outs, lotta what have yous. It all starts with a post-dated check on a fateful day…
Sham Whoa! – The Liam Bowling Ball Shammy Contest
Hey Lebowski Podcast is teaming up with Lebowskifest to host the Liam Bowling Ball Shammy giveaway contest, and the Dudespaper is helping them get the word out. Compeers, you know. Act now or your balls might remain eternally unbuffed!
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