Dressing Gown (The Queen’s own goddamned English)
Housecoat (Canadian English)
Bathrobe (Americanish)
by Rev. Bradley Greybeard
We're Blathering About...
~ Filed Under: Dude-Duder-Dudeist
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Maude? That’s my robe!
I have a house coat, but it has buttons instead of a robe-tie
Buttons on a bathrobe? How do you tighten it, Pastor Dirty Dude?
i dont have any of those, i only have a morgonrock, wich is a bathrobe in swedish.
Morgonrock?! Sounds like something the Dude’s former employers would wear while having coitus with groupies. Is your morgonrock made of leather with spikes?
Maude, that’s my morgonrock! Loses something in the translation if you ain’t swedish, don’t it? But no kidding, that’s what my robe looks like, uhh, without me in it, which I’m wearing, while drinking an oatsoda, uhh, as I speak, or, uhh, type. But that’s not the issue, or is it?
Sorry dudes, no leather or spikes, but it is black though. And yes i know that Rock means something totaly diferent for you but in swedish rock means coat and morgon means morning so its kind of a morningcoat..or uhh…yeah.
still working up to the bathrobe but these Thai fisherman pants are damn comfortable and certainly of Dudesque fashion.
It is now and will always be a bathrobe.