Last December we wrote a post about a delightful re-enactment of The Big Lebowski‘s supermarket scene, as interpreted by a couple of middle-aged ladies. We were charmed by this irrefutable evidence that our sacred story appeals to a much wider demographic than many people tend to assume (i.e. stoned male college students).
Which is why we were equally giddy to discover another Lebowski re-enactment, only this time aptly executed by another unlikely fanbase — a bunch of cheeky grade-school whippersnappers.
Aside from the good-natured cuteness of it all, what makes their version of the film’s opening bathroom scene especially adorable is that they’ve replaced all the cuss words with hilariously sanitized substitutes. So "shithead" becomes "souphead," "fucking" becomes "fruiting" and so on.
Perhaps this was their homework, and they didn’t want to invoke the ire of old Mrs. Jamtoss?
Shit, yeah…I mean, soup, yeah. The Achievers!
You see what happens when you fruit a stranger in the abs?
this is the best re-enactment i’ve ever seen
awe, what cute lil dudes.