Hey Dudes, just putting in this post so newcomers will know that “Great Dudes In History” started here at Dudeism.com. To see the first batch of Great Dudes in History, please visit that page. Much obliged.
We’re going to go more indepth into the lives of Great Dudes in History here at Dudespaper. Please suggest any especially Great Dudes you think we should cover by sending us an email: duder@dudeism.com. Thankee.
Alan Watts is a good suggestion…
Quote for possible inclusion in “Dudeist Wisdom”:
“This is the real secret of life – to be completely engaged with what you are doing
in the here and now. And instead of calling it work, realize it is play.”
Hey, dude, how can you guys leave out Hermann Hesse as one of the great Dudes? I mean living in seclusion in Switzerland for all of those years, man! Being a pacifist, and all (not in Nam, of course). He gets my vote and what not.
I agree with David Corbett, i’m in the middle of “Steppenwolf” right now, and it really speaks to the dudeist in me.
Next to Leonard Cohen..the ultimate Buddhist, Man!!