Hey something just occurred to us, Dudes:
Why are we not seeing any Lebowski emoticons out there? After all, emoticons are pretty much the parlance of our times.
We’re going to take a stab at a few:
{B{í= (The Dude)
Translation: "Just take it easy man."
[B© (Walter)
Translation: "This aggression will not stand."
(»8·O) (The Big Lebowski)
Translation: "The goddman plane has crashed into the mountain!"
«/:-€ (The Stranger)
Translation: "Lost my train of thought there."
Admittedly, we’ve used some non-standard characters (which might not even show up correctly on your computer), but at the moment we’re a bunch of fucking amateurs when it comes to emoticon creation. Maybe some of you emoticonnoisseurs would like to crack the case, either by coming up with better ones or adding characters and meanings.
Post your emoticons in the comments section below. Then anyone can use them easily by copying and pasting it directly into their emails or what-have-you.
As an incentive, whoever provides the best emoticons (as judged by our panel of experts) will get a free copy of the forthcoming printed version of The Tao Dude Ching (which will soon be renamed The Dude De Ching).
The easiest way we know of to find all the available characters to use is in the "insert symbol" menu in the latest version of Microsoft word (click on screenshot to the right). In Windows you can also go to the start menus and navigate to your System Tools folder (usually under "Accessories") and run the "character map" program. Note that a lot of them don’t show up properly in emails so maybe test them first by sending an email to yourself.
But remember, don’t work too hard:
I second that emoticon.
How about
From recent Dude tweets.
shit that didnt work
I was trying to be too clever and put the ultimate pin dudeist emoticon the delta symbol.
<\ /\ <| ^
Sometimes you eat the bear, sometimes he eat you. That’s life.
Over the line!
really ties the room together…
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_ !
i guess that’ll have to do… :(
(||:¬{/) Da Fino
Translation: “I dig your work”
The Nihilist. “We believe in nothing!”
Have I won something?
hey let’s see some more emoticons!
here’s a bunny:
is that Bunny Lebowski ?