We received an amusing letter from compeers-in-arms at slowdownnow.org. Apparently our meet-and-greet with them was much obliged. Shame we don’t remember much from it. Probably smoked too much Thai stick…
Abide Another Vow
I can get you an oath! Rev. Sai Krishna provides a short-but-sweet paean to the spirit of Dudeism. On a personal level.
More New Shit That’s Come to Light
Just a friendly public service announcement regarding some far out stuff afoot at the Circle D – Dudeism.com. Lots of fun shtuff for leisure-loving Dudes everywhere. Thankee.
You Don’t Go Looking For a Job Dressed Like That Do You?
Save some bones or clams! For about a month our Printfection merchandise (tee shirts, sweatshirts, hoodies, beer steins, coasters, what-have-you) will be reduced by almost 20 percent. Got that whole comfy tee thing goin on. They also make great gifts for friends, landlords, adversaries, special ladies and good and thurrah men.
Bubble, Bubble, No Toil, No Trouble
Bath time is sacred time over at the Church of the Latter-Day Dude: Time to unwind, relax and listen to whale sounds in the comfort of your own private residence. Normally we’re not into unusual bath products, but we just found a set that Dudeists might appreciate. Get privy to the loo kit!
This Isolationism Will Not Stand, Man
Our mang-on-the-scene Chalupa reports on the current kerfuffle regarding Jeff Bridges’ pitching Hyundai cars. We’re talking about unchecked objections, man. Basic free market freedoms!
The White Russian Revolution
Not everyone can enjoy our sacred beverage (the White Russian) without suffering a bout of gastric distress. To those lactose intolerant in our holy herd we offer some alternative recipes. And just for the hell of it we also look into the history of lactose tolerance and how it shaped our modern world. Careful man, there’s a beverage here!
Expanding the Dudeist Demographic, Part 2
The Big Lebowski is beloved by everyone, and we’ve got proof. YouTube is loaded with tributes to the film by folks of all ages and backgrounds. We feature one of the latest and greatest — the bathroom scene as envisioned by a bunch of (not-on-the) rug-rats.
Malaysian It Easy
A message from the Dudespaper office. Sorry about the blackout. Our website wasn’t listening.
Happy Dude Year!
Here’s wishing you all another auld lang sayonara. Out with the old, in with The Dude.