NOTE: For Events in the UK this August that are part of this documentary, please visit our Facebook Event Page. Thankee!
Editorial We’s Note:
Well it finally happened. The World’s Slowest Growing Religion (Dudeism) looks like it might be getting off the sofa and driving around a bit more this year. From our new book The Abide Guide, to a far out and full-on documentary about Dudeism, a lot of new shit is coming to light. We want you all to be an active (or slacktive) part of it. To find out how, please read the following message from the British/Italian director of the Dudeism documentary, Thomas Fazi. He’s not only a devout Dudeist and a nice guy, but also a good director and thurrah.
Fellow Dudes,
My name is Thomas Fazi and I’m a Rome-based documentarist. I’m a relative newcomer to the Dudeist tribe: I first came across the Church of the Latter-Day Dude in January of this year, while traveling through Thailand. I’d recently completed my first feature-length documentary, the fruit of a three yearlong investigation into the global network of U.S. military bases by the name of Standing Army, and I had decided to go east for a while, to unwind and search for inspiration. And inspiration did come, albeit in the most unexpected of ways.
I was on a small Thai island south of Burma, lazily browsing the articles on the homepage of the Corriere della Sera, one of Italy’s main newspapers, when an article caught my eye: “The way to enlightenment? Follow the Big Lebowski. Journalist creates a religion based on the Dude”. I was immediately intrigued. I’d always been a fan of the film, after all, and I was looking for enlightenment! As I started reading about Oliver’s meanderings through Asia, his Dudeist epiphany, the movement’s Taoist roots, its “take it easy” philosophy, and so on, I started thinking that this was one of the funniest, most interesting stories I’d read in ages. But what almost knocked me off my bamboo stool was the article’s last sentence, where it explained how Oliver was now living, of all places… in Thailand!
That had to be more than a simple coincidence; I was dealing with a strange cosmic happening that demanded my full attention. Hence, I went straight to the Church’s website, and started avidly reading up. A couple of hours later, drunk on Dudeism, I collapsed onto my hammock, and while gazing at the stars, my mind started drifting: the movement’s philosophy certainly spoke to me, and Oliver’s story surely sounded like top-notch documentary material, but what about the Dudely Lama himself? There was only one way to know. The next day I jumped on a train and braced myself for the 15-hour ride to Thailand’s Far North. Destination: Chiang Mai. I was a bit anxious: I had placed a lot of cinematographic expectations on this guy!
Luckily, I was not disappointed: from our very first meeting, Oliver struck me as an intelligent, witty, spiritually-rich and very well-read person, with a tinge of melancholia thrown in there to tie the whole character together. I was planning to stay in Chiang Mai only a couple of days; I ended up staying there more than a month, over the course of which me and Oliver kicked around a lot of ideas.
The more we thought about it, the more Dudeism seemed like the perfect subject for a documentary. All the elements were there: an individual’s search for meaning and clarity of vision in a disjointed world; some simple but potentially life-changing ideas; a vast community of people to engage with (yep, that’s you!). Sure, Oliver and I had different opinions on a number of subjects, but on one thing we did agree: despite being a failure by almost all contemporary standards (he’s not successful, he doesn’t have a family, etc.), the Dude is undeniably,
unmistakably happy, displaying an almost Zen-like equanimity. Therefore, what can his ironically exaggerated example tell us about the way we live, and about the nature of happiness in today’s world? Now, if that isn’t “fucking interesting,” as the Dude would say, I don’t know what is!
Anyway, the decision was made: following that month-long brainstorming session, I cut my trip short and made my way back home, where I immediately started exploring the various facets of Dudeist philosophy, writing and unwriting a number of treatments, calling up people with potentially interesting insights (and money), and, above all, figuring out how to tie the whole thing together in a stylistically and philosophically coherent manner.
Here’s the deal: basically, I’ll follow Oliver as he sets out from his home in the small town of Chiang Mai, in Northern Thailand, armed only with his bathrobe and a copy of The Big Lebowski, on an epic journey across the world to spread the “Dude word.” We’ll be shooting the first segment of the documentary between July and August. We will start off at Lebowski Fest, in the U.S., where Oliver will gather with prominent members of Dudeist movement and do his best to spread the Dude word to any of those not yet entirely convinced that Lebowski can provide the basis for a world religion.
After that we’ll travel to York, in England, where Oliver will give his blessing to the first-ever edition of Dudestock, a Dudeist music festival. The next stop will be Edinburgh, where our Dudely Lama, with the help of some local Dudes, will endeavor to exploit the critical mass that converges on the city every year for the Edinburgh Fringe Festival by organizing a situational Dudeist event.
Next we’ll head down to London, where Oliver will don his holy robe and meet with various writers, intellectuals and thinkers to discuss the more serious side of Dudeism. These will include: The Times journalist John Naish, author of the bestselling book Enough; Tom Hodgkinson, writer and editor of The Idler magazine and author of How to be Idle; Mark Vernon, author and co-founder of The School of Life; film critic and author of BFI: The Big Lebowski, Ben Walters; poet and philosopher Michael Foley; priest and magician Mark Townsend; Sarah Bakewell; and others.
The last stop will be Urbino, in Italy, where Oliver will meet John C. Parkin, founder of The F**k It Way philosophy and The Barefoot Doctor, renowned Taoist master, to kick around ideas and chill out on Parkin’s holistic retreat, known as The Hill That Breathes. Once that’s over, we’ll probably just burn a J and collapse on our rugs for a weeklong sleep.
But that’s just phase one: Once we’ve recovered, we also have plans for: a nationwide Dudeist U.S. tour; interviews with the film’s cast; and much, much more.
As you will have understood, the aim of the documentary is to show both the lighthearted and easygoing side of Dudeism (with all its practical benefits) as well as its (almost) “three thousand years of beautiful tradition.” The subject is vast, and our aim is ambitious, but as a wiser fella than ourselves once said, “If you will it, it is no dream.” Also, we take comfort in the fact that we’re not alone. It’s good knowin’ there are so many of you out there, takin’ ‘er easy for us filmers.
At this stage, the documentary can still take many different directions. That’s why I’m appealing to all you Dudes for ideas, inspiration, support and what-have-you: do you know a thinker whose philosophy is very much Dudeist in spirit? Do you have an inspiring Dudeist parable you think we should hear? Do you want The Dudely Lama to officiate at your wedding? Do you want to organize a Dudeist nudist Buddhist foodist retreat? Or a drunken philosophical debate at a University or church? Is your name Jeff Bridges? Are you a billionaire Hollywood (non-porn) film producer? Let us know!
Most pressingly, we’re looking for help from Edinburgh-based Dudes to organize a Dudeist event during the Fringe Festival. Moreover, we’re looking for logistical support of various kind during our UK tour. If you’re free between the 4th and the 12th of August and you want to get involved, let us know.
In line with the movement’s philosophy, we want this project to be as much a collective endeavor as possible. Help us help Oliver help the stressed-out sheep join the chilled-out herd (and make a fucking interesting documentary along the way). I look forward to meeting you further on down the trail.
Thomas Fazi
[NEW: Read this article in German]
Sounds like a great project. Can’t wait to see it.
A grand project! Can’t wait to see it!
Mighty glad also to see the plugs above for “How to Be Idle” and “F**ck It!” my Dudes. Must-read volumes for Dudes and Dudes-in-training. And may I throw in a recommendation for “The Underachiever’s Manifesto?” Another grand statement of the joys of, well, takin’ `er easy. And thurrah.
when is the edinburgh gig?
Wicked dude! I’m a member of the Producer’s Guild of America ( PGA ) and the Visual Effect Society and am ordained as well :)
I’ll help in any way I can .. being based in Boston, MA
Hi everyone! The date of the Edinburgh gig is August 8th. As to the what the gig should actually consist in, we’re keeping our minds limber. The Dudely Lama, for example, proposed a “make rugs, not war” rally for peace. Or a more relaxed “Rug-In”, for those into the whole gravity thing. Any other ideas? No matter how crazy it sounds, don’t hold back. After all, we roundly reject prior restraint.
Part of the documentary must include “How to make the Perfect Caucasian” and “How to Buy the rug that really ties YOUR room together”; mabe a short on “How to Write a Port Huron like Statement” (Original version of course)I can see a whole college course developing from this….if I wasn’t too lazy to actually get up and start things off….
Awesome idea…..please think about including Canada on the agenda…..there are many of us here as well….come and visit me in Vancouver…a very laid back west coast city…a perfect place for Dudeism.
Glen Lamont
There may be a good majority of duders out there who enjoy playing video games, which brings me to the Steam group of ‘The Dudeists Of The World’, which involves many dudeists.
In Minneapolis, Minnesota is an opportunity to watch “Big Lebowski” about once a month during Cult/Retro/Rocking Movie nights. It is where I make my home.
I’m a traditional Masters of Divinity student who has come to embody Dudeism/Zen/Tao in a few unique ways. I may end up being a hospital or prison Chaplain while being a Dudeist.
There is a lot of open spaces between your stops and a vibrant Dudeist community exists somewhere in-between.
indeed rich! we’re going to be traveling around the states in 2012. maybe we can drop in on you.
have you seen this article?
it might suit you!
I’m working in London during week days but I’m more than happy to help during the weekend and Friday afternoon/night. I know how to use a camera properly (BA in Film & TV studies) and also on digital stuff (MA Interactive Media). Let me know if you need any help :)
Far fucking out man! So glad you’re heading over to York for Dudestock.
If you’re still here on the Sunday we’ll have to go throw some rocks and sip on a couple of caucasians!
Hey Thomas:
Looks like you’re onto something big here. Like the Pied Piper. I see this steamrollin’
It does indeed, Joe! Thanks to everyone for the stream of ideas and offerings of help. Clearly, this isn’t ‘Nam.
Terrence and Enric: why don’t you drop me an e-mail?
I would totally be a part of this, if I lived anywhere near where you guys were travelling. Pacific Northwest, dude, that’s where it’s at. Get your roots in the ground, man.
I hope the project comes out west to talk with us Dudes in the land of the desert! To live in the desert (or anywhere else for that matter) one must abide bigtime!
Dude, this is awesome, can’t wait.
@ Terrence, dude we should hook up, Boston area Dudeist also. Trying to get a regular meet up happening here in New England. I’m on the forum, revgms, drop me a line mang. Already had one meet up so far with Outer Element from forum.
Cheers dudes.
Oh Please come up to Winnipeg…..there are many dedicated dudeists up here including yours truly who just spent three months working in Guatemala but who on her off time spent it perfecting her XBOX Bowling score – 237…..not too shabby…..I abide.
So, are you coming to Denver, or someplace close, like Chicago?
Is there an ATM close by?
Look I know as usual that I’m a little behind the times (what day is this?).
But when is the London leg of the tour, because i work in town and it would be a nice opportunity to meet up and have a chin wag?
This is all very fucking interestin man
I’ve got my 3 day pass for Louisvilles fest in July.
I have 6 years experience in the film industry as a grip and gaffer, basic lighting instructor and have my bachelors in film.
I’d make a great PA at least. See you guys there
Just email me during U.K. August tour. Would be an amazing pleasure to be part of this. Prepared to do anything to help good job its in my six weeks hols :)
this dude abides.
@ Koog-Meister and Iain: please e-mail me at and we’ll see how you can help. Cheers!
Sounds great. Any chance that you and your filmcrew dudes want to make a little stop at amsterdam when you are on your way to Italy? I am from Germany and could try to organize a little Dudeists-event with local and netherlandish Dudes… Would be great. But thats just like… my oppinion, man.
I’m from Colombia, and I think that the Dudeism should visit our country.
you are more than welcome in holland/rotterdam :-D
all the best!
Yeah well it’s about time, but you know it takes a lot of work to make a film. SO, you go boy. It’s been a long road to today and I’m glad it has finally come or started or whatever the fuck.
It all started for me with my Dad saying “be your own boss” back in the 50s & 60s. But, that sounded like a lot of work, so I started looking elsewhere. There had to be a way of life where you could be in charge and still have a limited involvement. I decided to follow my Johnson; it’s my middle name for heaven sacks.
Unfortunately, I had to wander in the wilderness for many years looking for my answers. Unable to maintain a minimum GPA in college I lost my Draft deferment and was reclassified to 1-A in late 1970. Fortunately, Fucking Nixon suspended the draft and saved my ass for the last 3 months of my Draft eligibility and I was reclassified to 1-H. I shudder to think what kind of solider I would have made. Not that being a solider is a bad thing, just for me.
My tribulations continued though being a cafe owner, it burned down; a truck/limo driver, the limo part wasn’t that bad; to being a strength coach, I found my pathway here, and reinvented the Medicine Ball in March 1985. This led me to my future wife who became a lawyer and the mother of my children. It was her wave of ambition I would ride and in July of 1997 I RETIRED to become a stay-at-home Dad. And, low and behold we sold our Medicine Ball company (that I hadn’t worked on for 12 years) in Oct 2011. I now reside on our 2 acre pecan orchard nursing 48 pecan trees in South Austin. My wife and daughters can’t live with me & can’t live without me; it’s fucking Nirvana Man.
Good luck with the shoot. Just a query: the Barefoot Doctor you are going to see is the same guy with those sexual misconduct law- suits filed against him, isn’t he?
This sounds like a great project, just what we need to spread the word of Dudeism. I might take a lazy ride from Inverness down to my old hometown of York for Dudestock, sounds awesome.
Louisville went well, it was cool meeting Thomas, Francesco(camera dude) and Andrea(sound guy, and of course it was cool meeting Duder.
Yeah mang, I think they will do an awesome job here dudes.