The Brotherhood Shamus‘ devotional practice of reciting a short prayer to Our Special Lady goes back a very long time, months even. If you’re looking to fill the aching void left in your soul by your empty secular upbringing, just recite the liturgy below once a day. And please visit Her Shrine whenever you feel like it.
And remember, there’s no need to recite it multiple times a day. Your thinking about this practice should never get uptight. After all — we’ve also got the Kahlua Sutra to attend to, and there’s the holy cowboy thing going on, and some kind of eastern thing as well. Lots of sacraments to keep in old Duder’s head. Very free-spirited.
Your life is in her hands:
Hail Maude,
Full of Grace,
The Dude was with thee.
Blessed art thou among lady friends,
And blessed is the fruit of thy womb,
The Little Lebowski on the way.
Holy Maude,
Lover of Dude,
Take ‘er easy for us sinners now,
And in your wisdom, at the hour of our death,
To your bosom, which we loved so well.
Fuckin’ A, man.
Dude, I really dig your style. Fabulous stuff, man.