Hey we’ve been thinking of putting together a (free) Lebowski board game. After all, there are a bunch of drinking games based on The Big Lebowski already, and those of us who don’t want to pass out face down in the muck might be keen to roll out in a more easygoing manner.
In the course of our research we stumbled onto this interesting site: boardgamegeek.com, a place peopled by folks who are clearly privy to the old shit. Check out how many old board games seem to channel aspects of our sacred source
Also, if any of you want to put together a Lebowski board game, please do so. Sounds exhausting. But you could just re-do Monopoly as Dudeopoly or something like that.
Maybe some sort-of version of Clue or Guess Who. Making a worthy game might more complex, I mean, it’s not just, it might not be just such a simple… uh, you know?
There’s a lot of ins, a lot of outs, a lot of what-have-yous, especially if you want to have a literal connection to the Dude’s story. In any case, it’ll be interesting to see what our fellow Dudists come up with for a board game that’s not just a ringer, but a worthy adversary.
It was The Big Lebowski, with the wheelchair, at Jackie’s Garden Party!
Actually, if you really wanted a Clue-like game centered around the Big Lebowski, all you have to do is base it off the film, “Cutter’s Way.”
I just realized I forgot the word “be” in my second sentence, bu eh, fuck it dudes. I’m going bowling.
I relax and chill by playing Bejewlled Twist on Zen mode..I know it’s not a board game but whatever dudes!
I love bejewelled! I play it on my phone all the time.
What you want is perhaps some sort of hybrid of certain game types. Something like The Game of Life(bowski?) mixed with Trivial Persuit (Lebowskian edition) and Pictionary (ala Jackie Treehorn’s doodles).
Travel around the board as a little Torino (in one of six colours, with rust discolouration) collecting white pegs (white russians) for completing certain tasks (travelling to key locations int he movie) and answering certain trivia to keep them (aka chug them), or lose them (aka spill them)if you get it wrong. First to get fully tanked up on six caucasians wins.
The great thing is you can also play it like a drinking game by actually chugging a white russian when you lose a peg, an optional rule for the adults!