Adam Bertocci’s “Two Gentlemen of Lebowski” (The Big Lebowski re-imagined as a Shakespeare play) will be published by Simon and Schuster in October. Way to go Bertocci! We interview the knave-gazer himself to find out more about what’s going on in the world of Lebowskispeare. Dude De Ching Giveaway #2
We’re doing it again! We’re teaming up with to give away free copies of our holy book, The Dude De Ching. Those are good holy books, dude. Or just buy a copy – proceeds go to our real-life Little Lebowski Urban Achievers Fund at
The Little Lebowski
Looking for some Dudeist literature to read in the tub or to enjoy your coffee with? Well, look no further than the latest project to come out of our forum lab — The Little Lebowski. It’s an acid flash-forward written by two of our talented forumites concerning what happens to the Dude and Walter fifteen years later. Now that’s fucking interesting man. It’s the story for its time and place.
Literal Connections: Jim Harrison
A good friend of ours in Thailand, writer Roy Hamric recently interviewed one of the coolest poets and writers alive, Jim Harrison. Roy has graciously allowed us to reprint the interview, originally published in the terrific Kyoto Journal. This feller Harrison is certainly high in the running for dudeliest poet world wide and it shows in his wise and heartfelt responses to Hamric’s sensitive interrogation. Enjoy.
The Call for the Doede
We’ve just become friends with a celebrated poet of a small part of the Netherlands, a cool feller named Hidde Boersma. Turns out that Hidde came up with a similar philosophy to that of Dudeism, called Doedeisme a couple of years ago. Far out, man! Dude minds think alike. He recently went on a local TV show to talk about Dudeism and Doedeisme. We interview him here. Dude De Ching Book Giveaway!
Hey you can win a free copy of the Dude De Ching! A cool website called is sponsoring a giveaway of printed copies of our holy text. What a very dude thing for them to do!
The (Very) High Jewish Holiday of Purim
Rev. Todo Duderado shares an excerpt from his story collection “Acidhead and Stories” in which he discovers the meaning behind the wild and crazy Jewish holiday of Purim while tripping on acid at a music festival. Made us hallucinate to beat the band.