Hey Dudeism was recently poked fun of by Sam Mowe, the editor of Tricycle, a Buddhist magazine. We thought they’d dig our style. I guess Buddhists aren’t as fun-loving a bunch of goofballs as we thought they were. Anyway, The Dudely Lama penned a long rebuttal in the comments section below the article. Feel free to chime in if you like, either here or in the Tricycle comments section
For some reason they’re under the misapprehension that Dudeism is a form of Buddhism. Is this your homework Sammy? Mrs. Jamtoss would have given him a poor grade. As we’ve made clear, Dudeism falls into the Taoist tradition (the original uncompromised first draft).
Perhaps it stands to reason that the people who don’t get Dudeism would tend to be religious folks. In fairness, Mowe’s piece isn’t harsh at all. It just makes a literal connection that is not there. And perhaps we should take “silliness” as a compliment.
Here’s a joke: A Buddhist and a Dudeist go to a hot dog vendor. The Buddhist says “Make me one with everything.” And the Dudeist says, “Easy on the catchup. Extra relish.”
Tricycle article here.
we’re calmer than they are.
Hey man, like just abide and do no harm.
That article in the Tricycle made no sense at all.
Dude, the Buddhists are so, like, defensive. They want what we have in Dudeism, but don’t want to share what they have in Buddism.
I think it is very un-dude-like of you all to get so upset by this. If you actually read the article it says:
In short, Dudeism is not Buddhism.
Duhism is the way to go, obviously #smilesandhugs
@Eric: First off, we’re totally calm.
Second, I responded to your opinion over at the Tricycle site.
The subtext of the article is that Dudeism is not an adequate offshoot of Buddhism – why else would the author use Alan Watts’ pejorative reference to “beat Zen” and the hypocrisy and misunderstanding implicit in that aspersion? It’s not that he was saying Dudeism isn’t Buddhism, but that Dudeism was not Buddhism in the way that Dan Quayle was not Jack Kennedy.
Anyway, I don’t think anyone is waving their piece out on the lanes here. It’s all in good fun. It’s fucking interesting man! We’re not fragile about this.
It’s nice to have one of these debates every once in a while. Sometimes all the niceity and agreement make for some dull trundles into conclusion station. I like to see things threaten to derail once in a while, it’s how you know you’re making an impact! :D
This is great, an open diologue between Dudeism and Buddhism can only end well, now if we could drag the Native American Shamen into this that would be Awesome, and maybe the Jedi or even some of those followers of Jesus who are not like facist Christian types. That’s just like my opinion man.
Peace and happy abiding
Dudeism is the natural evolution of Buddhist/Taoist ideals for the modern Dude. It’s tough work out there abiding day after day, takin ‘er easy and keeping the facets and in’s and out’s all straight in your head. After all that, we can’t be bothered with the commitment Buddhism requires, nor adornment of Dudeist Monks.
I appreciate the original authors effort to distinguish Dudeism from Buddhism, it’s definitely worth splitting hairs over.
So long as Chinamen Buddhists don’t go acting like they built the Duder Railroad, a humble Polish Fucking Catholic duderino such as myself can abide the Buddhist shout out.
As far as I know dudes there are many different kinds of Buddhism out there. Some have a ton of rules you are obliged to follow, some believe in reincarnation (and that women must be reincarnated as men to be enlightened, wtf), etc etc. I think it’s a beautiful tradition with a lot to teach (I believe in the solidarity of suffering among all people, for instance) but as we all know, when a plan gets too complex something always goes wrong. That’s the essence of why I’m not a Buddhist, even though I really dig the Buddha’s style.
Embrace the rebel shrug, and try to take it easy. Life’s too short. I’m a few days late on this, but I appreciate the Dudely Lama being on the ball in the comments section on the site.
Fuck it man, just abide!