by Chalupa
There has been a lot of murmuring on the interwebs lately about Jeff Bridges and his voice over work for Hyundai TV ads in the US. Most of what I’ve seen all stems from one person: The first post I saw of his concerning the subject seemed interesting to think about. In fact I almost posted it as a discussion piece but got really busy at work and didn’t have the time. Now I’m glad I didn’t.
Personally I have no problem with Mr. Bridges lending his talent to a company. Just like everyone else, he’s gotta feed the monkey. I can kind of see the argument that with our nation’s auto industry in such dire straights we should be pushing to buy American, however, why should inferior products stay on the market? Why should poor business models be given millions in bail-out money just to stay afloat? Is this capitalism?
History is something many forget about. In these times of economic uncertainty I hear many calls for veiled isolationism. Close the borders! Block foreigners from getting our jobs! Quit granting work visas! What the hell is that going to accomplish? Look at China. They were the leading country in science and technological advancement until they closed their borders to outsiders. That was hundreds of years ago and they’re just now becoming a leading contender in the world again. How do you think The United States of America became what it is today? It’s because we have welcomed those from other nations to come to a place where they can freely think, work and live. If we keep the elite and educated out of our country, they’re just going to go somewhere else to share their ideas and innovations.
So how does this translate to Jeff Bridges doing ads for Hyundai? Well I think we all know that Hyundai isn’t an American company. So what? They have factories in the US where their cars are made. There are dealerships where their cars are bought, sold, and traded in. There are mechanics and service stations where Hyundai vehicles are serviced and repaired. These are all places employing thousands of Americans. These are jobs where people are making money and contributing to the economy. If Hyundai tanks like GM everybody suffers. So what’s the big deal?
I’ll tell you what the big deal is. This guy over at Nit Pick Nation is being a Nihilist. He’s getting noticed. He’s causing problems. He’s constantly posting about this on his blog and getting noticed on Google. Well good for him. He’s causing some fake hysteria just like all the people posting false information on Twitter. The main problem is he has crossed a line. A line drawn in the sand that he should not have crossed. He took his grievance to Jeff Bridges’ web site and started his anti-Jeff Bridges campaign on the message boards. That is not the venue to make your voice heard. This is a place full of die-hard fans. Do you really think they’d want to listen to this? I don’t think anyone is surprised the forum members there don’t appreciate his presence. He has been contacted and asked to quit causing problems by Nicky, the web manager. So he’s been posting that correspondence with Nicky on his blog. That’s just bad form. I know Nicky and have communicated with her on several occasions. I think this guy is lucky he was even able to present his argument. I would think most people would censor that kind of stuff immediately. He wasn’t even censored, his thread was just locked down. It’s not like everything he writes is being deleted.
So I suppose I’ll probably be next in line for these insults and threats. I’ll probably be accused of being a "Jeff Bridges Fanboy" because of the podcast. Well know what? I suggest what Mr. Nit Pick Nation do what I and my parents did. GET A JOB SIR!
[See Nitpicknation’s response at the end of the original Lebowskipodcast blog entry and at his own site,]
Jeff Bridges is the best.
But jeeze. Couldn’t he pick a more appropriate car to shill for?
HIE-YUN-DIE ? That’s a car for Carrot Top to make commercials for….not the Dude !
Dude should be promoting American Made Cars (what’s left) like the Ford in Big Lebowski. It’s just unbecoming and way too un-dude.
Sorry but, I’m stuck in the past on this topic.
Ask Jeff Bridges to stop promoting Hyundai.
HIE-YUN-DIE does NOT rhyme with Sunday.
I’m sure he would have done Ford commercials if they’d asked him to, but they didn’t. The chinamen in Korea did.
Would you just take it easy, man?
How about Honda? I love my 08 Honda Fit!
Well man, really if you look at it. More Honda,and Toyota are built in America man, than there are Fords, Chryslers, or Chevys. So what is it we should look at? Who gives us work? Or who started their company in our country, and is sending a large portion of their profits out of the country to source their materials and get their labor? Just think its a good question man.
That is a good question followingmortis but, irrelevant to my pet peeve here.
We’re talking about the famous Jeff Bridges. So many great movies over the years besides the Big Lebowski. His involvement in the End Hunger Network.
The “Dude” should be promoting for Harley-Davidson or Chevy Corvette. Something Americana and cool. It’s just plain embarrassing listening to Bridges plugging “dollar forty nine a gallon gas” for your Hyundai like it was Samuel Adams beer.
It’s all over the TV machine and I am just sick of it.
Please stop His Dudeness from further shame and humiliation.
Ask Jeff Bridges to stop the Hyundai ads once and for all.
HIE-YUN-DIE does not rhyme with Sunday in blue-collar America.
nitpick, dude. give it a rest. this is starting to be spam. sorry but this isn’t nam. there are rules. you’re starting to blather. that’s going to have to be the last comment. thanks for your contributions on the subject.
I can’t believe I’ve lost this thread. I must say a couple of things. I hope to be forgiven, or I’ll go to one of the thousands of Chinese hells.
Chalupa made quite a good article: what’s the point in buying an inferior product when you can buy a better one for the same price? If you want the name you buy Harley, if you want quality you buy Honda. This of course applies to Italy with Fiat. You buy one of those cars and the first happy is the owner and also his workers, but who pays when once a year you have to go to the mechanic?
All the rest applies to the fact that we as Westeners think that we can always fuck strangers in the ass and get angry when they give us our own medicine. China has an hystory of around 4000 years, India between 5000 and 6000. Probably they learned something in all this time.
Then to end this blathering:
Look at the ones who benefit from this. Every loss is a gain for someone else.
Look at the ones who decide what to buy. The consumer has always the last word.
*reads the whole debate, puts on sunglasses*
fuck it.
*walks out, takes a rug as he leaves. *
“The Chinaman said take any Hyundai in the house”
I am so glad you brought that up.
Unemployment in America is still at 10 per cent – over 18 per cent in Michigan, erstwhile home state of the Big 3 (and we all know what happened to them). Yet, the Dude is still shilling for Hyundai.
The new commercials are ruining my Christmas. Jeff Bridge’s voice urging Americans to cheer up and buy a Wal Mart car for the holidays is just too much to bear.
Please. Jeff Bridges. Stop with the Hyundai television commercials already ! Get an American car gig. You are The Dude – not Joe Lieberman.
HIE-YUN-DIE does NOT rhyme with Sunday in middle class America.
I am the Walrus.
I know I’m a few months off on this, man, but better late than never y’know?
Seems to me that the dude that (in his infinite wisdom) played a part in the world, as The Dude, made his impressions regarding the Big 3 pretty well known by joining in a little Francis Ford Copolla film called, ‘Tucker: The man and his dream’.
The Big 3 have taken advantage and have been found wanting for decades. They only make amends for shoddy manufacturing when it might cost more to go to court. They only ever help the working man when it is economically viable for them to do more than pay lower middle class wages.
Might just be me pitchin’ gutters, but Tucker allowed the Dude to show the world that back in the day, there was an American with a Dream that got quashed by the nihilists.
Most actors and performers only take up a role or performance that follows with their own ideologies, and I would suspect his royal dudeness to be no different.
So in that respect, my lil marmot friend, take your so called politics and put them in check. You can’t blast someone for going against the grain when they’ve been telling you something is wrong with the standard thing all this time.
You should prolly try and think of other celebrities to use as your stepping stone to the Interwebz Troll of the Year Award. Try Glenn Beck ?
You know what? I need to redact a bit here.
It’s only righteous and fair, since I was bein’ a lil un-dude in my last post.
By the previous posts, I’ve seen no one has forgotten about Tucker, or the fact that he bounced on Buick for a horse.
I guess my point would be, if I may make a point of correction and clarification to the point I had been trying to make in my previous post of un-dude behavior…
Don’t you think you’re setting your sites a bit low? Are you marching on Richard Dreyfuss web tubes and demanding he resign his paycheck for doing Honda voice-overs? Or would you piss on Arnold Schwarzenegger for doing Japanese commercials for energy drinks, or Harrison Ford for roughly the same? Do you even credit the Dude with his work for Duracell?
We’re talking about celebrities. These are people who get paid to show their face with inflection and persona, and recite memorized lines, for a metric fuck ton of cash.
By definition, almost all celebrities are the same kind of whores that the average working man has become for the corporations.
We all do what it takes to keep our head above water in a failing monetary system, while trying to make things a little better on ourselves, man. So the next time some fat cat dumps a wad of wampum in my hands, asking that I speak a few words into a microphone, I would have to start thinking of that mortgage, that car, the kids going through school, and everything else that the American Dream just hasn’t up and provided for me out of the kindness of its red, white, and blue heart.
Nice double standard we would be fosterin’, telling people at the start that in order to live the dream they have to work hard and sacrifice, “but wait.. don’t forget you have to sacrifice the rewards of your hard work for lofty purposes that hardly anyone else would be willing to make sacrifices for…”
So skip out on that check dude, it may have fascists attached to it.
Instead of coming down on celebrities for whoring themselves out like most people with paying jobs are doing in this economy, why not take a larger step and go after AIG or Leahman Bros. or anyone else that’s been in the press, for walking away with billions of dollars worth of the dream? How about a lil positive thinkin’ that maybe, just maybe, there’s a bright bulb over at one of the Big 3 that might actually take some much needed lessons to heart and start building with the ingenuity and reliability the Chinaman uses.
In reality, corporate greed spans the globe and to start with a dinky car manufacturer with a celebrity spokesperson is a bit beneath us as a whole.
It may be cliché` to go after the bad guys that so many others before have gone after, but at least it’d be the right thing, as opposed to the standing aggression against someone just trying to earn a buck.
I’m sure this has all be said before, but maybe after reading a reiteration of the same message a few times, it might help adjust those sites of red eyed fury some folks may be carrying, a bit higher.
The universal rug ties us all together, and ye tho some of our brothers may succumb to the rigors of the small things in life (like a job, sir!), it’s only through the true gospel of takin’ ‘er easy and cursing the fascists that they may be delivered unto us once again. Thus is wholly the way to rouse the nihilists into leaving our fair lives unfettered, man.
Goodness, fellow dudes, all this time spent bantering back and fourth with nobody that can come close to making a difference; could have been spent better with writing to the neo-commies in office that made these ‘wonderful’ decisions in the first place.
Unless, of course, if you yourself voted for the dick, or the one before him, etc., etc., etc., and feel guilty now and are merely trying to hide the fact of your treason. The blame is not theirs, it’s yours. You and the ‘sheeple’ like you, hired these liars.
So, put down your doobe and your white russians (should really ban ruskie Gin) and open your window, stick out your head and yell, “Im as mad as hell and I’m not going to take this any longer!” Then, when the time comes, vote for the real dude that really cares for this country more than he cares for his job.
This country is in need of a doctor, and there’s still one available.
Looking forward,
Rev. Windbell
….now, where’s my hemp papers?
I cannot solve your problems, sir, only you can.
I cannot solve your problems, sir, only you can.
Hear an echo ?
Is this a…what site is this?
I don’t understand your question, dear arch dude, if it’s directed to me.
I always want to comply here, like Donny said in ‘Fargo.’
Your answer’s down there somewhere Windbell. Maybe take another look?
Thanks for all the advice on where I should be focusing my attention. And I really enjoyed the Ron Paul plug, etc, etc….
I really hope that Jeff Bridges, er, The Dude, wins the Oscar for Crazy Heart.
Maybe it will encourage him to dump the shameful Hyundai ads. One can only hope.
It’s easy to understand: working for a “Korean” corporation rather than an “American” one, because the whole nature of a global economic system makes such arguments moot. We’re all connected man, and we’re only going to get more so as time goes on.
Unless you think the United States is some sort of “exceptional” nation, that its people are somehow better than others, bad-mouthing Jeff Bridges working for Hyundai is a result of a poor understanding for how the world actually works. And if you DO think the U.S. and its government and people are “exceptional”, I can only say that’s a mighty un-dudely sentiment.
It’s too late to salvage the auto industry as we know it. Greed has already done it in back when they started closing down factories and outsourcing jobs with one CEO quoted as saying, “We don’t owe anybody a job.” True, but that doesn’t make it right and it’s still short-sighted.
The U.S. has moved to the very un-Dude far Right. But the Yin & Yang of it is that since we’re now a global economy anyhow Asian countries are playing a more significant role in business and commerce and that’s a good thing.
Having lived in the Orient for a dozen years or so, off and on, doing business is much groovier in the Far East. They don’t have the Puritan mindset that cripples America. Long-term sustainability is not an option, it’s a way of life. Payment is always on time or early without having to discuss the service rep’s “issues”. Top quality comes before lowest price. Companies take care of their employees, even during a recession. And managers make only slightly more than workers, unlike the huge gap in the U.S.
So having Oriental companies run the businesses is a good thing; our blue collar workers are less likely to get screwed by an Asian company than an American one. Let them run the business sector a bit and the money will flow much more freely with everybody getting their fair share, as opposed to the concentrated wealth at the top in the U.S. It’s a global economy nowadays with everybody dependent on each other. We gotta live with that so let’s make the most of it.
Nice rant JJV but, how did we get from the Hyundai sweat shops in Korea to “{oriental] Companies take care of their employees….” ?
Although it is probably too late at this point, I am sick of hearing that “It’s a global economy….” so just “live with that” – BECAUSE…that’s how we lost all our blue-collar jobs and industry to begin with.
It was the Korean sweatshops ( once again – nothing again Koreans – they are/were just taking advantage of our stupidity ) that allowed HIE-YUN-DIE to get their foot in the door of the US economy in the first place.
The unfair playing field ( undercutting our prices with slave labor ) allowed them to take advantage of the recession and make a killing selling their el-cheapo Wal Mart cars here. That then gave them the clout to exploit the corporate welfare in Kentucky or wherever it is so they could build a factory and be able to advertise their cars as American Made.
And uber-rich, successful, talented Jeff Bridges helped them along in their success.
All water under the bridges (haha) now but that’s the story of, that’s the glory of…..greed.
A “dern” shame.
Hyundai does NOT rhyme with Sunday in blue collar America.
NPN, your anger is directed in the wrong direction. It was the American manufacturers who outsourced factory (and other) work that caused the job loss. 15 years ago I was going out of my way to buy American and nobody gave a shit. American businesses (and the public) on average take a short-term view. All they saw was lowered overhead. Refer to the 1st paragraph in my original post, which is in a scene in a Michael Moore movie. That’s their attitude. Good old Corporate America, lower the overhead as much as possible to maximize profits no matter who gets screwed in the process. They’re the ones who opened this Pandora’s Box and now we’re past the point of no return.
The unfair playing field is a result of politicians and their corporate owners. They tip the scales in their favor at the expense of the working class. An old story. The real criminals here, the ones who brought down the country by destroying the working class, are the ones who continually outsource jobs to save a few bucks. Managing your overhead is one thing but they’ve taken it to the extreme out of greed. “Fuck the other guy before he fucks you.”
Developing countries, which Korea was not too long ago, admire our material wealth and are trying to catch up with us. Unfortunately they haven’t seen the down side of it and are still blinded by the glitter. And yes, most companies over here do take much better care of their employees than a lot of American companies. It’s the American companies outsourcing their labor who employ the sweatshops. As that country grows economically they start to compete in the market. To get a full understanding of what’s going on the situation has to be viewed from both sides. And I know you don’t like to hear it but globalization, for better or worse, is here to stay. Pandora’s Box has been opened, the genie is out of the bottle, etc… It simply isn’t going to go away any time soon. Rather than fight a losing battle we’re best off looking at how we can turn the situation to our advantage. In evolution it’s not the strongest who survive, it’s the most adaptable. An industrialized society needs it’s working class or it becomes hollow. I don’t have a beef with Jeff Bridges doing the commercial, there’s worse things he could advertise. The real question is how do we rebuild our working class? My view is that the culture of corporate greed at home needs to be toppled first. Managers making $40,000 a year while the employees directly under them make less that $10 an hour is an outrage. We need to take care of our immediate problem at home, the white collar shafting the blue collar. Well, that’s my opinion.
Dudes, you’re being very undude. We’re not talking about the guy who built the railroad here outsourcing all those jobs that Americans are too lazy to do right and productively in the first place, we’re talking about a voice over for automobile commercials.
Would you prefer we only sold American products in america? That’s fucking fascist.
The truth is dude that America is spoiled and we are on the down cycle. It was bound to happen sooner or later. Economic dynamics aside, no one can be on top forever. The auto industry didn’t crumble by itself it crumbled because the economy nose dived because of lending practices and the housing market crumbled, and if people can’t pay for their private residences, they can’t pay for automobiles either.
Beyond that the Big 3 could learn a thing or two from the Chinamen car companies. Produce a vehicle for cheaper and you can sell it for cheaper.
You can’t produce a car cheaply when you’re paying an uneducated worker 60,000 a year to screw a bolt in to place or push a button.
Dudes? What is the whole central theme of The Big Lebowski? Is it not a movie about all these undude people judging the one Dude who does not judge anybody?
What is the central idea of Dudeism that all the other ideas revolve around? Isn’t it about how you treat other people and do NOT judge them?
Why does everybody seem to expect other people to be ethical role models for their OWN personal beliefs. If you don’t want to support foreign-made cars, then don’t. But don’t judge someone else because he does, that’s not dude at all. Maybe Jeff Bridges likes Hyundai cars. I had a Hyundai once, and it ran great, never had a problem with it. I like Honda and Toyota too. I’m just being honest! Those are good cars, man, and every American knows it too.
And let’s not forget, let’s not forget, that Bridges is an actor, and he works to support himself and his family, he’s not obliged to be an ethical role model for anyone’s personal beliefs, the Dude, on the other hand, is a character, and yes, he is a role model for all of us. Don’t ever judge someone for what they do, especially if its just a voice over for Hyundai, my god man, there are much worse ways to feed the monkey! Human trafficking, child pornography, political assasin, organized and unorganized crime, and IRS agent…to name a few!
No. No. No. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.
Everyone here has a valid viewpoint but, are all missing the big picture.
It’s about principle – taking a stand. It’s about putting the kibosh on bashing the American Auto Industry / blue collar worker and pulling together to at least make an attempt to fix what has gone wrong.
Maybe it’s too late but, that is no excuse.
Ross Perot was correct many years ago with his “great sucking sound” of jobs leaving America diatribe that has come to fruition. It’s here. It’s now.
And the larger-than-life celebrity Jeff Bridges – aka The Dude – is not helping matters by shilling for the Wal Mart Car known as HIE-YUN-DIE.
Bridges is contributing to the decline of our home-grown American-Made products. He’s making a bad situation worse.
He is a spokesman for the Hunger Network.
Yet he shills for the new 3rd World slave labor that has made it possible for yet another Wal Mart company to dump sweat shop cars at a loss to gain market-share in the USA.
It is contrary to what I believe Jeff Bridges – rich now beyond comprehension, due in no small part to a country that has contributed to his deserved success – stands for.
Even though he has no obligation to do so, I feel he should set a better example. Enough is enough. The Bridges/Hyundai ads have done enough damage already.
Bruce Springsteen had the balls to admit he was wrong a couple of years back when his fans called him on the carpet for his foray into Wal Mart. Jeff Bridges should follow Bruce’s lead. It’s time to bow out gracefully.
Hyundai does NOT rhyme with Sunday in blue collar America.
Go here:
and take a stand.
This just in…..
‘Toy Story’ star Tim Allen becomes Chevy pitchman –
John Boy Walton does the voice-over for Mercedes Benz…..
Dennis Leary pitches for best selling Ford trucks….
Kevin Spacey hustles for Honda….
Recent Oscar Winner Jeff Bridges peddles for the lowly Wal Mart car – Hyundai….
Pronounced HIE-YUN-DIE….
A company directly connected to the oriental slave trade.
Life is cruel.
Holy cock, man…why the fuck do you care so much? It’s honestly not a big deal. And I’d like to reiterate Crane Jackson’s point.
This is all very interesting. First, I always thought that was Tom Selleck that was the voice for Hyundai. Hmmm….Makes me wonder if those OJ commercials I thought were Selleck are The Dude as well. Whatever…. Second, getting all angry about this is not very Dude-like. Just feedin’ the monkey, ya know?
Just checked out Seriously? Over a year and a half and there’s NOTHING to say but, that Jeff Bridges should dump the Hyundai ads. I’m a HUGE boycotter and I can tell you that, in that time, corporate America has committed more major crimes than that. There has to be some other stuff this guy is angry about. It seems like a lot of wasted focus to me. Obviously he is passionate. That’s a good thing and a lot can be done with it, but not when it’s wasted on something like this. I just feel like he could direct this passion somewhere where it can do more good. But…that’s just, like, my opinion, man.
You can choose to ignore all the empirical evidence that we have sold out American Industry and our blue collar workers or you can choose to do something about it. Had our economy not fallen into the dumpster 4 years ago and exposed all that has gone wrong I wouldn’t be here making a plea for Jeff Bridges to recuse himself from the Hyundai voice-overs.
I have chosen this as my pet project. You are free to agree or disagree. You can take up your own mission or you can let someone else do it. You are also free to remind me what a lost cause I have taken upon myself. Maybe your job, future and finances are secure. Good for you.
But I refuse to stand by while another American Industry falls prey to unfair trading policies. It’s bad enough that we facilitated the construction of another Asian (Hyundai) auto manufacturing facility on our soil. When will this self-defeating madness end? I cannot just watch from the sidelines any longer as an otherwise beloved, powerful (albeit misguided) pop culture icon enables another foreign car manufacturer to become a household word.
I’ve watched from the sidelines as our self-inflicted demise came to pass over the last 40 years and I’m not comfortable looking the other way any longer.
If you need more proof that America’s future depends on its populace supporting its own industry here is a new
article for you peruse. Please join me in asking Jeff Bridges to discontinue the Hyundai promotion. Or look the other way.
Sweet blog! I found it while surfing around on Yahoo News. Do you have any suggestions on how to get listed in Yahoo News? I’ve been trying for a while but I never seem to get there! Cheers
take it easy guys
Well, the auto industry actually paid back MORE than they borrowed, which is more than I can say for those fucking human paraquat bankers.
In fact, and I hate to doubt post, but it seems to be that the bankers are much like the Big Lebowski (that is to say, the paraquat) in that they made money without regard to consequence.
When you bet money against your own country’s market, which used to be illegal, you are pretty much saying you are not concerned with the “kidnapping” of the American economy, even when the plane has crashed into the goddamn mountain.
And as the evidence continues to pile up that supporting 3rd world automakers only hurts our own economy Jeff Bridges “The Dude” continues to shill for the Hyundai – the Wal Mart car.
It’s almost too much to fathom that he would continue to do so when so much new shit has come to light.
Kudos to Warren Buffet, Bruce Springsteen and others like them who offer to give back to the country that has helped make them rich.\
Merry Christmas….
Even Kim Jong Il wouldn’t be caught dead in Jeff Bridge’s Wal Mart car – Hyundai !
Jong’s final ride appears to be a TRULY American-Made sled….
Gotta love it !
Well… this is America, isn’t it? First Amendment and all that? So Mr Bridges has the right to say whatever he wants about Hyundai. You have the right to ask him not to. How many jobs will it save if he stopped? Zero. Seriously. They’d just pay someone else to talk, or make a flashier commercial, and people will buy whatever they choose to buy with their own money.
It would be better to spend this energy on abolishing Daylight Savings Time. Traffic accidents rise by 2% for the two weeks after each time change due to drivers having their sleep disrupted. Damaged cars need repairs, people getting hurt, maimed, killed, and for what? So I’d suggest laying off Mr Bridges and getting behind a cause that will make a real difference. End Daylight Savings Now!
It’s half-time in America……
In case you missed the Super Bowl….
What more can I say. Clint
Eastwood + Chrysler = Class
Jeff Bridges plus Hyundai equals Crass…..
It’s time for The Dude to let go of the HIE-YUN-DIE ads….
It’s beneath him.
Click here to help persuade Jeff Bridges to junk the Walmart car voice-overs.
The Dude stands for freedom and you are either free or un-free. So shut the fuck up and let the Jeff Bridges make his money anyway he wants. You don’t like Hyundai’s then DON’T FUCKING BUY ONE ASSHOLES.
Wow…I’m honestly really upset how undude most of this is.
That’s just the stress talking.
Patriotism? Can’t turn your head anymore?
Who’s the fucking Nihilist here?
I find it funny that there are those who promote the idea that we are all “one” and then oppose globalization and one world government. (No one specific in this post, just blathering)
The goddamn plane has to crash into the mountain.
If Hyundai is building cars here, man, then that means Americans are getting jobs in manufacturing and distribution.
Hyundai draws a lot of water in this country.