So I guess you fellers are wonderin’ why ol’ Moondog placed asterisks in the mid section of one of Dudeism’s holy passwords. Well, this is how it happened…
The usual suspects and I were trying to figure out what not to do next at the Duder the other day when this sympatico looking young lady saunters in, sits down at the bar and orders a double White Russian. Well, that got our attention, and as Louise sprang into action to mix up the requested beverage, this young lady flashes a bright smile all around, reaches into her bag and pulls out a book which she slides down the bar to me. The title of the book and the feller’s name who wrote it
rang a bell… F**k It: The Ultimate Spiritual Way by John C. Parkin. I inspected the tome, reminded myself that I had seen it before, thought it useful at the time, then said "fuck it" before taking proper note of its importance.
At this point…and I acknowledge the fortuitous intervention of our double White Russian drinking lady dude…I think it only fitting to pass the info regarding the book’s provenance along to fellow travelers who may not be aware of it or its slow steppin’ author, who introduces his deep and profound take on things in this short video…
Not much more to report at this stage of the game…don’t want to clutter up such a refined message with a lot of unnecessary strands and convolutions. I’ll pass along more details about the double White Russian drinking lady philosopher dude and her inneresting concepts and pronouncements at a later date…
Yup, add this to the pile of books I will be reading.
Read the book a few years back. The central message is dudely enough, but I spat my oat soda all over the place when I got to the part about money being like ‘flowers’, and that instead of paying Parkin (or anyone else) money, think about it as giving him lots of flowers. So that he has a lovely garden. A lovely garden in his hilltop villa in Italy where you can go on expensive retreats for around $1000 per week. There’s feeding the monkey and then there’s being a hypocrite. Read it for yourselves and decide.
I’ve lived by the mantra Fuck it for a long time. It works for me! You can even chant it in meditation instead of om mani padma hum, just chant fuck it. It changes your life!