Since Dudeism is growing by leaps and bounds (and strolls and naps) these days, it should come as no surprise that we’ve been fielding lots of requests to be on talk radio programs lately.
As it turns out, Dudeism is a perfect fit for a radio feature — depending on the DJ’s point of view (and the demographic of their audience) it can either be something to be mocked or something to be celebrated. Either way, it fits right in there. And we’re happy to oblige. See, whether you dig us or dis’ us, that’s just your opinion, man, and we’re always keen on getting the Dude word out there, even if the people hearing it don’t quite know what to make of it.
Two days ago, Oliver Benjamin, the current Dudely Lama of The Church of the Latter-Day Dude gave interviews to two different radio programs. You can listen to them both at the links at the bottom of the article.
The first was a morning show called Free Beer and Hot Wings, which advertises itself with the slogan “Funny Name. Funnier Show.” However, the name is certainly funnier than the show itself. The name is great! And if you drink heavily at 8 o’clock in the morning, the show can probably be pretty humorous as well.
Although not expecting an ambush, the Dudely Lama took ‘er easy and had a good time anyway. At least, up until the point that they started making jokes about child molestation in Thailand. Funny stuff. Of course, their entire cleverly-crafted criticism of Dudeism amounted to calling it “stupid” and to claim that Benjamin’s voice sounded like that of Fozzie Bear. ‘Course, sometimes you eat the bear and sometimes, well, you just sound like him.
There may be more to it than just desperately trying to mine some laughs: Free Beer and Hot Wings (Greg Daniels and Chris Michels) expressed concern that Dudeism was just a secret ploy to turn people into atheists. Living in the past? You’re goddamn right. Real reactionaries.
The Dudely Lama had a far more far-out experience on The Jeff Farias Show. Farias is a supercool, limber-minded dude who openly promotes marijuana legalization, interviews respected authors, activists, artists and statesmen, and actively seeks out new ideas and ways of thinking. Which is why it was an honor for the Church that Farias basically converted to Dudeism and got ordained during the course of the interview.
Similarly, after becoming familiar with the man and looking at all the cool people he’s had on his show, we’re now Jeff Farias fans ourselves.
Furthermore, the chat rolled so nicely that Reverend Farias already invited Benjamin back on the show next month. He will share the spotlight (spotmike?) with The Yes Men – a performance art/activist group with the most hilarious approach to drawing a line in the sand to come around in a long while.
Both shows can be enjoyed here:
The Dudely Lama on Free Beer and Hot Wings and
The Jeff Farias Show
More radio features on Dudeism are already scheduled so watch this space and become privy to the new shit!
Yeah, child molestation is not funny, especially child molestation in Thailand. I listen to the Free Beer and Hot Wings Show every day. Those guys are stupid jerks. I hate their show.
You are right, it is not funny. What was funny was listening to this guy talk. If you think the FBHW show is stupid and you hate it so much, why the heck do you listen to it everyday? You just don’t know how to handle good humor. Makes sense that you are a member of this retarded thing.
Will you just take it easy, Walter.
Fuckin’ FBHW…those creeps can troll, man.
The FBHW guys put up a link to this response so we’re bound to get more of their listeners writing in with insightful, penetrating comments.
You mean, coitus?
similar. only in this case, they decrease the chances of conception.
It’s great to see a group of losers who have no life so they live vicariously through cult movie and making up a fake religion based on a comedic character who is a underachieving idiot. Why not start the church of Homer you jackasses. At least he’s had some jobs unlike you parents basement dwelling geeks. Go back to rotating your Big Lebowski and Japanese anime porn Dvd’s and don’t get them mixed up or you’ll end up jacking off to John Goodman.
Why so angry?
Rough day at the job? Your “real” religion not providing enough solace?
That’s a bummer, man. That’s a bummer.
Congrats on the interviews O-Dude. I’m currently taking it easy on vacation and don’t have the necessary means for the necessary means to pay for the internet minutes to listen to those clips. I’ll check em out next week though.
Have you seen the documentary on The Yes Men? Those guys seem AWESOME. I hope they’re as cool as they seem on the film I watched about them.
Pay for internet “minutes”? Do you guys actually live in the 90’s?
Wow, these non-dudes just look for the easy way to attack huh? chalupa is obviously on vaca…as stated in the reply, and he may be at a hotel that charges for internet usage. But go ahead and take the easy shots, even if they are wrong.
The dudes abide…
That’s exactly right. You have to pay for Internet by the minute at a hotel.
What’s your point, Walter? Your maiden forays into cultural criticism might be more worthwhile if you actually had a point.
The Supreme Court has roundly rejected prior restraint, but if you don’t stop yammering pointlessly in this family restaurant we’re going to have to ask you to leave. This isn’t ‘Nam, man. There are rules.
Get a life losers, you’re so damn right man !
If what you say is true, I guess I can’t help getting ordained myself now !
Enjoy dude.
They post compulsively and without joy.
Oh, no!
Actually the Chalupa is on a boat in the middle of the ocean. They charge 55 cents/minute and that’s if you buy an hour’s worth. I think I have 4 minutes, almost 5 left before I have to buy some more.
by the way, i’ve been checking out The Yes Men. They’ve come out with a new film and it’s just showing in the UK. It sounds amazing. Coming to the US in October. I’m embarrassed I’ve never heard about them before. Going to get the earlier documentary asap. I’m honored to be on the same airwaves as them.
Dude, tomorrow’s already the 10th.
Far out
The Yes Men are great. Check out these pranks they’ve staged:
Dear “Get a Life Losers”,
You’re out of your element here so shut the fuck up Donny!
P.S. If you consider a teacher who spends his spare time traveling all over the country a “loser” then you have pegged me perfectly. Apparently, teaching the future of tomorrow is not a worthwhile cause in your righteous eyes. So sorry to disappoint.
You think you’ve got room for one more?
Perhaps Get a Life Losers doesn’t have the necessary means for a necessary means for a higher education.
Why all this hate? Wouldn’t life be better if uptight people take off that pole from their butt? Or do they like it? Better than saying vagina?
Being a Dudeist has nothing to do with being a loser, but it would be interesting to know the life of those so successful people. Are you successful sir? Are you happy sir?
Anyhow you too have a place in this world. Somewhere.
And, btw, Dudeism isn’t about a movie. Is about a point of view, or worldview. Ignorant!
Mark it zero.
There…it’s zero. You happy, you spiritmonk?
Sure, assuming that being a loser must be a prescribed part of Dudeism is ignorant, but it’s also a very logical assumption to make since they have no frame of reference. Kinda like how people assume that Zen Buddhists believe in reincarnation, or that Satanists believe in Satan, or that Mormons still practice polygamy. Reasonable assumptions.
The truly ignorant thing, in my opinion, is coming to our site to insult us. That right there shows that we’re dealing with morons.
Yes, I’m happy. Thank you. And what about you sir? I just get a little upset when Dudeism gets an aggression. I’m just a little curious about how their life is. Morons have their opinions and their wonderful happy lives. But, at the end, it’s just their opinion. But I wouldn’t change my life for theirs. And I don’t understand why someone should think of the Dude as a loser, he’s only very relaxed.
F*****g A man.
Hey guys. “movie quote here” Just relaxing and basking in Dudeism “movie quote here” I’m so glad I am so original “movie quote here”. Well I’m going to go pick the Mac and Cheese out of my goatee. Stay cool “movie quote here”.
P.s. Is that better?
“movie quote here”
When people quote Shakespeare and the Bible most people consider it learned and erudite.
When people quote movies some consider it dorky. This is nothing but bullshit elitism.
Finally, when people bitch and moan and criticize other people’s pastimes and lifestyles when it doesn’t affect them in any way, people consider them “real reactionaries” and “fucking fascists.”
Thou art that.
Your past-time didn’t purposely affect me but it did waste some valuable airtime on an otherwise quality radio show. Also, now I can never watch The Big Lebowski again without knowing you douches exist. I guess I’ll bring my copy to a homeless shelter and maybe a Dudeist will find it when he’s getting his handout. So “Has ta La Vista baby”. “I’ll be back” “We need you to put a cover sheet on your TPS reports” “I’ll never go hungary again” “we need a bigger boat”.
Consider how incredibly sad it is that someone who disdains who we are and what do so much should spend so much of his (or her) time and energy spewing such invectives at us.
I’m sure there’s an ironic reference I can make to TBL about this, but I’d rather not sully something we love so much in responding to this pathetic individual.
And “quality radio show” pretty much says it all in terms of where this poor soul is on the spectrum of cosmic consciousness.
I got some similar “love” over our L-Fest review. Just have to remember different strokes for different folks.
You know at first I was really starting to dislike “Get a Life Losers” but now I just pity him or her because the truth has been revealed. I think this poor misguided soul is asking for help here. Consider his/her name…Get A Life Losers….and think about it for a moment. In my humble opinion someone who goes to a site they disagree with to rant and rave about something they hate says they have no life of their own. I’m so sorry your life sucks man and I wish you the best so that someday you don’t wander into your office with a machine gun because you are clinically depressed. Cheer up some dude…your mother still loves you at least.
Well I spend my life working at a hospital helping people. I have a house, wife a new daughter and two cars and 2 dogs. I am living the American dream. You losers sit in your basements smoke pot and watch a movie over and over again. I think beat that.
P.S. Yeah my mother does love me, she died 7 years ago in her early 50’s after battling complications from leukemia for 27 years (since I was 5).
That is truly sad about your mother. I imagine that was hard on you and your family.
With that in mind, though, and considering the fact that you have a family of your own (as do I, incidentally..and I rarely venture into our basement), why do you waste your time angrily insulting and taunting a group of people you apparently have such contempt for?
Why not spend it doing more of the positive things you say you do, like helping people in hospitals? Or spend time with your wife and new daughter, nurturing them, giving your wife a break, building a loving home with them? (Frankly, I’m not all that impressed about the two cars thing, but if you are, go outside and wash/polish them…) In other words, instead of fixating on telling us apparent losers that we need to get a life, put that energy into enjoying the life you’re blessed with, Dude.
We’re here at this site because we love a movie and find solace, meaning, and a few laughs in making references to it. We’re also trying to promote a lifestyle that cultivates what we find important in this otherwise stressed out, materialistic world.
There are far more important things in this fallen world that you could do to make it a better place than to spend it here ranting impotently into cyberspace (and, dude, that’s not intended as a sexual reference…)
Take all that for what it’s worth, man.
You know, Get a life losers, this is a place for discussion, not a place to post your resume or to bitch at other people.
I hate to break it to you but you don’t “beat” anyone. Most of the people here are doing just fine. But that’s irrelevant, because this isn’t some sort of carpet-pissing contest. None of us care about your income (or anyone else’s), and pulling the “dead mother” card is incredibly tacky.
If you feel a special need to lord yourself over others or justify your own brand of “cool” then go troll somewhere else. This is getting really boring and repetitive and wasting a lot of space.
For the purposes of maintaining a nicely tied-together site, I’m going to remove any further comments on this post that have anything to do with the yammerings of “Get a life losers” including his (or her) own.
Agreed? Okay. Let’s get down to cases.
Dude, I cannot believe you all missed this:
“It’s great to see a group of losers who have no life so they live vicariously through cult movie and making up a fake religion based on a comedic character who is a underachieving idiot.”
what I read, was:
“It’s great to see JESUS FREAKS who have no INNER AWARENESS so they live HYPOCRITICALLY through THE BIBLE and DISS an ALTERNATE religion based on a PACIFIST who is A LOT LIKE JESUS anyhow.”
Ok, so, that’s just, like, my opinion , man.
It’s ok though, since Losers can just go eat a piece of pretend flesh and drink some pretend blood and confess to a North American child molester and feel better about being a carpet pisser AHEM sorry sinner, whatever.
oh pffft. just read the last post. Sorry Ol.
fuckit, i’m going bowling. well, right after I do all the normal everyday shit that we all do after a long day of work, kids etc.
Actually, you know what would be far out? A Dudeist radio show. Think about it…classic rock…discussions on takin’ er easy for all those sinners in this modern world. Get cool people to come on and talk. But just one thing dude…if you get a station running can you invited Bill Clinton on..the man got a BJ in the Oval Office…how Dudeist is THAT?
Just got a chance to listen to the Jeff Farias bit. Great interview. For those of you who haven’t listened yet, the Dudeism bit starts at about 147:30 and runs through til about 169:00.
Far out, Chalupa. I started it but fell asleep a few minutes later…dreamed about my landlord and drugs (no joke)
good to know where the..uh, pertinent…
Anybody seen a “What Would Dude Do?” bumpersticker? would really tie my bumper together man.
Not yet, but, in addition to their excellent Oat Soda, the Irish monks down at St DaFino’s monastery have made some Dudefish stickers and lots of other far out shit. They’ve been as busy as santa’s elves
Um can i be a loser?
Do i need a basement for that?
And can I do it in my own basement or do I really have to move back with my Mum?
better start digging!
Hey, I like the Dude radio idea.Former talk showhost and radio newsman here. I’d LOVE to do a Dude show.
Wow, there is a lot of objection to us from other religious groups and to think they don’t get the point is that we are not bothered by what they think.
Don’t forget my brothers in faith, that these are the sinners that we are all takin’er easy for! Poor bastards are way too uptight, and can’t understand being serious about the whimsical…
If you don’t dig dudeism, fine. but stop pissing on my rug!