Hey a bunch of the fellers over at the forum found the venue they’ve been looking for for their cycle.
Actually, it’s a google map showing where participating Dudeists around the world have their private residences.
It’s just getting started, so add your name to the list! That way we’ll know our Dude demographic (dudemographic?) in an interactive, 100% electronic sort of way.
Far out. So how do we get added to the map if we’re into that sort of thing?
methinks you just have to log into google and then you can mark it, dude!
It’s publically editable.
Once yur in just click the “edit button”
see martins comment http://dudeism.com/smf/index.php?topic=817.msg8230#msg8230
And as his Dudeness said just mark it.
sweet. my door is open to any dudes passin’ through the wild state of Idaho.