Hey this just in — a shaky video of Dudeism’s founder, Oliver Benjamin, delivering the holy Dudeist benediction to the Los Angeles Lebowskifest 2009 at the Wiltern Theater.
Click on the “full screen” icon to see it in full, bizarrely glowing, Duderific glory.
Also, dig Lebowskifest founders Will & Scott and their pals recreating the “garden party scene”!
Enjoy, and share this page with your friends! Spread the Dude word. And thanks to John Jansson for writing such a cool prayer. Went over like lingonberry hotcakes.
The Dude's Prayer — Live at Lebowski Fest 2009 from Andy Sternberg on Vimeo.
By the way, better footage should be coming our way soon, from the folks at the league office.
Fuckin’ a, man.
You can imagine where it goes from here.
he fixes the image stabilizer?
Don’t be fatuous Oliver. Great job on the prayer btw, im happy to see people enjoyed it
All hail Swedish Jeff!
By the way, and I don’t know if we’ve mentioned it before, but Peter Stormare (Ulli the Nihilist) is Swedish, not German.
Lots of different ethnicities in TBL. Polish, Jewish, Italian, German, Latino, Greek, etc. Like a little bowling ball microcosm.
…and proud we are of Oliver