Win a free copy of The Dude De Ching!
Back in February we teamed up with to give away 30 copies of our holy book, The Dude De Ching. Well, we’re doing it again – this time with 40 free copies.
All you have to do is subscribe to their very funny and informative site and you’ll be entered in the next round-robin. Even if you don’t win, you’ll surely find their site will make you a smarter dude in no time fast.
If you just want to go ahead and buy The Dude De Ching anyway, it’s most modestly priced and the proceeds go to a very dudely cause – our Little Lebowski Urban Achievers Fund at Last week we disbursed the first $1000 from the sales of the Dude De Ching and we hope to lend a lot more to people in need. You can help by buying the book or lending your own funds via our team.
Plus we’re also setting up a special program with where Dudeist Priests pick the topic each Duder Shabbos (Friday). Each winning topic will also win a free copy of The Dude De Ching. We’ve got four detectives down at the lab working on it. Got em working in shifts.
Take er easy, dudes. We know that you will. Don’t forget to enter the contest here!
My life is so uncool right now,I could really do with a copy of the Dude De Ching Book.
Forget the contests and just buy the book. The proceeds go to a worthy cause and helps spread the Dudeism word. is cool! i signed up with them last contest and have become an avid fan since! thanx dudes!
shabbos is saturday! so we PICK on fri, it get published on sat?
in the jewish tradition shabbos starts at sundown on friday and ends at sundown on saturday. we don’t have to follow the jewish way, though. it might be easier to make duder shabbos saturday all day. what say you, dudeocracy?
haven’t yet figured out the pick-the-topic thingy yet but we’ll let you all know soon when we do.
I think you are getting sidetracked. stop trying to organize. That is not the dudely way. If you feel like shabbos (taking a day off) on tuesday… than go with it.