How Takin’ Naps Makes You More Creative
By Arch Dudeship Dwayne Eutsey
Most Dudeists spend a significant amount of time practicing our ethos while unconscious.
To the uptight square community, of course, our sacramental slumbering is merely a sign of our deadbeat, un-achieving sinfulness. However, many great Dudes throughout history have extolled the natural necessity—nay, the numinous nobility, no less—of nodding off.
It’s like Lennon said in I’m Only Sleeping, although everybody seems to think we’re lazy, we don’t mind, we think they’re crazy. Running everywhere at such a speed, ‘til they find there’s no need.
Until recently, however, it was only an article of Dudeist faith that takin’ ‘er easy was vital to maintaining the well-being of a whole world gone crazy. But then we learned last year that there’s scientific proof indicating that when you take it easy, the world takes it easy with you.
And now, according to a report by our compeers over at the Utne Reader, science once again confirms that Dudeism is the right religion for our harried time and place.
People in need of a creative boost should take a long nap, according to new research highlighted by ScienCentral. The researchers found that naps increase people’s ability to solve problems creatively, but only if the nap includes REM, the deep sleep when dream occur.
Check out the video report here:
Well, that about wraps ‘er up. I don’t have some creative concluding sentence that ties this here Dudespatch together with the Lebowskian metanarrative. Guess that means the time is ripe for me to go take a nice long nap.
Goodnight, sweet prince.
I’ve always found it easier to abide when I’m getting the proper amount of sleeping and napping. My college roomate used to solve complex math equations and programming problems in his sleep.
Wow I also feel validated. I’m very active in the astral realm, epic dreams and such. I really, REALLY enjoy dreaming and have found I have the best ones (time travel, dimension hopping, huge adventures) during the DAY, preferably between around 9 am and 1 or 2 pm.
People do indeed claim I “sleep too much”. (well, that was before school but now that school’s done I intend on embracing once again a strict regimen of napping and relaxing)
I guess they say that because I used to (and will again) spend probably about 1/3 of my free time sleeping. Tough titties say I, to the uptight non-nappers. I like to dream, and sleeping is the only venue that I have accessed to that end thus far.
Good article Dude. Way to go.
ps just for those who are curious, the other 2/3 of my free time is spent on movies, reading, or surfing the ‘net. Ok, ok, and working out but far less that the others, i assure you.
Are you employed sir? Uh, ma’am, uh dude?
me? The Dude?
A good day is one where you wake up from your nap, have an oat soda or caucasian, and then take another nap, but that’s just, uh, like my opinion, man.
Yesterday I ate some pizza, took a nap, then woke up and ate more pizza.
Ya know, I saw the same kinda study done by a group called the Energy Project. Another post from the Dudespaper I believe. Genius type stuff right there… too bad we can’t get our workplaces to buy into the stuff… I could do with an hour or two to recoup from all the work I don’t do…