By The Italian Dudeship, Rev. Andrea Favro
Dear Brother and Sister Shamuses of Dudeism,
Today I’m gonna talk about your own personal genie. It’s just a coincidence that the title is inspired by one of the best songs of Depeche Mode. I thought it fits quite well.
This is fabulous stuff, Dudes, not exactly lightweight. So keep in mind that if you go on reading this article and follow its imperatives, your life will never be the same. Well, at least mine isn’t.
And, if you like it, your occupation (job isn’t the preferred nomenclature) as religious counsellors will soar like the Dude in his first dream sequence. And, just for the record, I’m professionally certified to talk about this matter, and not only by the Church of the Latter-Day Dude. You’re not dealing with a moron here.
Having innerduced it enough, let’s take that hill!
It’s a funny thing that each of us has the ability to achieve anything desired, but few know how to do it. Well, did you ever heard that your mind is the most powerful weapon? Of course it cuts both ways: Your mind can be your best friend or your worst enemy.
We have a conscious mind, the one that we are aware of, and the subconscious mind, which makes up all the rest of our brain activity. Now, the conscious mind is just the tip of the iceberg. Think about it: at any given moment you are aware for example that the air enters your lungs while breathing, or that your ass cheeks are on the chair; in the meantime your subconscious mind is aware of the situation of your entire body, remembers everything that ever happened to you and is aware of everything around you.
Our conscious mind is wonderful, its goal is focusing on important things and keeping us sane; imagine what it would be if at every given moment we would be aware of everything — we’d go insane. Therw would be too much stimuli to handle. On the other hand, it often restrains us from experiencing a lot of things, as sometimes it’s simply too focused. Or even worse — wrongly focused. For instance, when it’s focused on that fucking bitch: Fear.
Our subconscious instead is aware of everything and "knows" everything about ourselves, but needs the conscious mind to be directed and focused on important things. This is why it is believed that thoughts have power, because your thoughts give directives to your subconscious mind. Good thoughts=Good directives; Bad thoughts=Bad directives.
To explain this better think about Cyclops, the comic book superhero from the X-Men. His eyes are infinitely powerful, but they are useless and dangerous without the goggles to direct their power.
So, what do you have to do to direct the power of your own personal genie and direct its powers to help you achieve what you want?
Well, as my old friend JCD (Jesus Christ Dude) would say: "Ask and you shall receive".
Is that too simple? Far from it, dude. It is a simple concept, but it’s not so easy to actually do. To ask of and receive from your own personal genie requires time and dedication, and some effort and perhaps a little faith as well. But this is the way it should be. For two reasons:
1. Our subconscious main duty is to keep us safe, even from ourselves,
2. We have been estranged from it for so many years that we just can’t open a line of communication in seconds.
So, next time you want to achieve something just say: "Dear Genie, I want [your desire here] because [your reason here]." And repeat it some times every day until your goal is achieved. You can’t have everything (as Steven Wright said, "where would you put it), but you can have a lot more of what you want in life. And this technique will help make it so.
Even if a little part of your mind, where the Fear bitch lives, will attempt to act as a saboteur, stick with your requests and they’ll ultimately be answered.
In New Age circles there’s a lot of talk about how all this works through the energy in the universe (The Secret, The Law of Attraction, Positive Affirmation, etc.). Well Dudeism doesn’t concern itself with stuff like that because we don’t need to use "energy" to explain how your own personal genie works.
See, it’s not that you’re attracting anything or directing "universal energy", it’s that you change your own patterns of thinking. You’ll become aware of many things that you hadn’t been aware of before asking the genie. We all know that when you want a certain type of new car, suddenly you see it appearing everywhere on the streets and on commercials; did you attract it? No, you just became more aware of it and notice it more. But was always there.
Some people say that meditation and hypnosis help to make these changes happen but you don’t really need that to contact your genie. A wiser fella than myself, Emile Couè, discovered that conscious suggestions work very good, even if you need a little more time to make things happen. So start talking as soon as possible with your subconscious, and if someone thinks you are crazy just say "Fuck it" and keep going.
Eventually you’ll experience what a wiser fella than myself called the Duderino Groove. And in that state everything is achievable. If you will it Dude, it is no dream.
How does this coincide with the commercialism that many Dudeists try to avoid?
You know what I want? I want to find a poster of that coloring book page of Jesus riding the dinosaur.
It coincide as that sometimes there is no need to spend money to achieve. It did cost me some to learn though. :)
The secret is that there is no secret. But that’s a secret. Secret.
Lost my train of thoughts here. :)
And that’s a good point AF. I just know some people of the Dudeist persuasion are very anti-materialism/consumerism and having a “genie” to grant your wishes for whatever you want seemed to kinda clash in my mind.
It’s true that we often try waaaaay to hard to achieve when really we already have the modest means for the modest means to achieve.
Well, I used the word “genie” because it’s amazing, at least for me, what our subconscious mind can do for us. At the end, he’s a product of thousands years of evolution while our conscious mind is a product of some years of achievement. Just like it’s impossible to quit breathing because when dangerous he overtakes the conscious mind and order the diaphragm to breath. F*****g cool.
I’ll go further with other articles on the topic.
I don’t like too all the commercialism about the secret, the key and all that stuff which for 95% is based on 1920 something books revised. And which cost a lot of money for something very simple. As JCD put it “Ask and you’ll receive”. Or something like that.
I didn’t meant it to be commercialism-like so thanks for having told me so next time I’ll write in a different style.
The point is that each one of us already have the ability to achieve. As you perfectly said.
It amazes me how often synchronicity occurs in my life.
A work friend just leant me a copy of “The Secret” on DVD, which I watched only yesterday.
I have studied many of the texts mentioned here. I have copies of the secret in book, pdf, and CD. Also copies of “The Secret to Getting Rich”, and some of the other associated text.
Imagine my surprise to find this article here and now (I was off work for a couple of days and only just found it today).
I have to agree that the wording can cause problems. The idea that concentrating your thoughts on the positive to change the way you perceive the way you act during the day agrees with my interpretation of the technique.
I actually force myself to smile for about a minute and a half to two minutes every morning. It’s amazing how even this particularly simple act has changed the way I see my days. I actually commute (three hours door to door) every day. I have to say I don’t see it as a chore I enjoy the time to read and write (see the blog and input here).
I think you may have confused some people with the nomenclature. Really the point to “The Secret” is using whatever way best fits your view of the world to think positive to bring good things into your life.
I have to say the Dude is (on the whole) happy with his life (barring the odd rug micturation incident). I think the Dudeist point of view would be to want a balance and comfort in life with as little hassle as possible. I know “The Secret” shows people in big houses, with big cars, personally I am happy with my little house, I would just like to be able to stop the back roof leaking every time it rains.
I think the capitalism is in the interpretation with this article (just because you can ask for everthing , doesn’t mean you should or would), as a Dudeist all I want is to chill out (and not have to work too hard to feed the monkey) I’m not bothered about other peoples wealth and trappings. I just want my own rug to tie my own room together.
The funny thing is that the article isn’t based on the Secret. :)
More on the old books on self help which I’ve red through the years and my personal studies.
I haven’t red the book but I’ve seen the movie and found it to be more of an advertisement campaign than a real help for people. Surely it had made rich those who did it. But this is only my opinion.
But if you could give me notes where the article is about commercialism or the secret or what have you it would help me to write better next time. Really I would appreciate it a lot.
Thanks Dudes.
Please don’t get me wrong AF it’s a great article. Just in case none of has said it thanks for the article it is very good, and has opened up some interesting debate.
Anything that generates debate and discussion is good work.
If a belief system is not tested and discussed (debated) it becomes stale and rigid. What I think the DudesPaper and the forum give us as Dudeists is a really healthy arena in which we can all spar intellectually and test the limits of our understanding of what it is to be Dudeist.
Like any writer (myself included) the more you write the better you get, if this did not accurately portray what you were trying to say, try it again, publish another article to expand on what you were trying to say.
I just picked up on parallels between this and “The Secret” and “The Science Of Getting Rich” ( for a free copy) that I have. But I will agree “The Secret” does seem to be a bit hard edged I can have anything. Also both sets of proponents do seem very subscribe to this to use our knowledge to the best otherwise die in poverty.
I picked up on a lot of this style of literature during one of my periodic searches on the interwebs for some way to earn enough money to live on without having to expend too much energy (a good Dudeist attitude).
Perhaps we should start a thread on the forum to continue this discussion?
Dios mio, man, no problema. :)
I like to debate too, as you said it’s good work. To write better I need notes.
Thanks for the appreciation and if you start a thread on the forum I’ll follow you.
I appreciate you coming at this topic from a non – commercial angle and your concept of teh Genie is more creative then anything I read in ‘The Secret’ a work, I must say, I truly despise. Not only does ‘The Secret’ which may be better titled ‘The Obvious’ talk to us like we are retarded five year olds it then follows up it lesson of ‘positive thinking good, negative thinking bad’ with a kind of pyramid scheme sales pitch that never even questions that happiness may not be found in excess wealth and material possession. Ultimately, ‘The Secret’ gives two dangerous messages one being ‘over – consuming is fine and the Universe wants you to have 10 times more shit then you actually need’ and the other ‘all those people out there who do not have a pot to piss in got there through their own negative thinking’ which is complete bullshit – we all know the world is more complex then that and this Secret just puts people on an unsustainable path of greed and selfishness. SHe sold a shit load of books though – so I guess the real secret is ‘there are a bunch of really gullible people that can be profited off of out there’ – but hey, I guess I’m just one of those negative thinkers who should get back to pissing in my pot. Just my opinion, man
Thanks for your kind words naturedude and for your appreciation.
I agree with you. If positive thinking would be anything needed why people in poor countries still have to deal with hunger? Don’t they think enough positive? I don’t think that a mother from one of those countries doesn’t “think” strong enough to save her childs.
As you said the world is more complex than that.
Surely taking into account the negative side but focusing more on the positive side of things and having hope for a better future helps to see chances and transform a dream in reality. And while as you said it’s not always someone’s own fault if it happens that he/she is in the middle of a sea of s**t thinking positive, looking for chances and putting the inner genius to work helps going back on a clean, solid ground. Often a better ground than before.
Thanks again dude.
Surely this article points simply to positive mental attitude, as opposed to greed. Achieving is something I prize dear, because it makes me feel better about myself, and it’s a hell of a lot better to relax and be happy if I do.
Achievement isn’t neccessarily about material wealth, it’s about getting what we want, whatever that may be, without disheartening. This is a most important life lesson to keep the dispair squid at bay. You want the day to go well, believe it. You want an extra strike next game, believe it.
The materialistic aspect of the issue simply points to the main focus that you can overcome a need for extraneous possessions if you can achieve easily though simply being positive. Sure, you ‘could’ get a new car by this method, but it’s a lot more effort than simply getting your bread toasted just right in the morning. And I’d be a lot happeir with perfectly produced toast than a car any day of the week.
If you wish to overcome materialism, you can achieve.
Far out dude, far out.
A good toast in the morning is priceless. :)
Ed have to agree, opening my fridge and seeing it actually full of food is a great feeling for me.
But I go with the toast think.
years ago i lived out of camper van (for about a year). I finally managed to afford gas to heat it and cook. The first thing i did was make tea and toast, then took a photo of them. So i now have a photo of a cup of tea and some toast, which always takes some explaining but the feeling was so good just to be able to do that simple thing myself, and not have to knock on the back door of restaurants i used to work in and beg favours of food.
Endeering story Meek. Was it a VW, or were you not even roughing it in style?
ps, I see you’re in Portsmouth. Would you be as surprised as I was to know I’m next door in Fareham??
Ed, it was a Bedford CF (converted Ambulance). It had three shot pistons and four flat tyres and sat in a pub carpark for a year until they began to threaten me with forced eviction. I was not so much a new age traveller as a new age static.
Fareham I have a brother that lives there.
Far out, man, far fucking out.
I dig your style, AF. As with Meekon, this article is very much an example of synchronicity for me. I’ve been reexamining in my own life a lot of things you discuss here, things I think I’ve allowed to fall into disrepair.
I believe in (and have experienced) what you write about here, but I am very skeptical of The Secret, What the Bleep Do We Know, and the like. I guess if these things help people who buy (and buy into) these books/movies enhance their conscious/subconscious communion, that’s not bad. But there’s always some ulterior motive on the part of the purveyors of these things (bilking people of money, luring them into the Ramtha cult, etc.).
The Dude, I think, is an example of what you’re talking about here. He’s pretty much content and somehow manages to get by in life with no visible means of support (i.e., he’s a deadbeat, in the parlance of the square world). Whenever he veers away from this way of life (chases after money, lets Walter talk him into his half-baked schemes), his life becomes very undude. When he returns to this way of life, he abides.
Aw hell. I’m ramblin’ again. Nice article, Italian Dudeship, and keep up the good work.
Thank you very much. I agree completely with what you said. There are a lot of uptight people even in New Age or Positive Thinking culture, and some human paraquats too. That’s the durned human nature probably. But the Dude shows us the way. The strange thing is that usually “enlightenment” cost always so much money, it’s not so cheap to achieve, especially for following Ramtha or Scientology and similar things. But we must admit that the Secret worked a lot for those who participate. I just hope it helps at least a little also those who pay for it.
Anyhow, even if for now I’m not able to live on light only I’m training a lot to be able to live on oat sodas only. I’ll keep you informed. :)
Thanks again for your appreciation.
The true secret isn’t the answer, it’s the journey, and what not. To qoute a cliche’, you get out what you put in, and if you roll a gutter ball, or step over the line, fuck it. It’s just bowling, dude.
The “secret” is different for everybody. Every person is on their own far out path and what is heaven for you could be hell for another. What I got from it is to focus my thoughts to bring about my ultimate reality and to just abide. Of course this is just like my opinion man. Fuck it!
And it’s a cool opinion dude. Let me say to each one of you dudes thank you very much for your comments. They’re all helping me a lot.
This is a cool article and reminds me of Socrates’ (another Dude in History) daemon. A voice that he heard to guide him, sort of an Inner Dude to guide the Outer Walter, if you will.
Not only Socrates either, many far out Dudes have called it their daemon, genius or “genie”.
Far out, indeed.
Thanks Reverend Dog for your kind words, we could even say it’s a kind of Inner Stranger. Far out man, good insight.
You are heartily welcome, Rev. AF.
Maybe it’s less what our Inner Dude/Stranger can do for us, and more what we can do for him/her?
To take it easy.
Well, I think that if we are able to be as little uptight as possible than there is not much need to “ask” for something, as things flow quite easy and the Inner Stranger do what’s best for us smoothly. Taking it easy and avoid being too uptight are the best things we can do, for all of us. :)
Thanks for the clarifying comment Reverend Dog.