Rev. Eirah Lewis looks at the music to our beers–that is, the tunes that tie our lives together. What is Dudely music? Or is all music Dudely? It’s a complicated tape, modern music. Lotta intros and outros. Lotta bands in ol’ Duder’s head.
Review: Much Ado About Lebowski
Rev. Stella Quinn finally got the venue she always wanted – as a theater critic of stories and cycles! Attending a performance of “Much Ado About Lebowski” she provides this very dudely review. More importantly, watch as she delivers the blessing for the event! She’s a natural, is she not?
Dudeism Documentary: ‘The Way of the Dude’
A movie about a religion about a movie? That’s the Dudeism documentary “The Way of the Dude.” Starting this July, an international effort will begin to turn Dudeism into a film and we want the world Dudeocracy to get involved! We’re going to be cruising through the US, the UK, Italy and Dude knows where else. Please read the article and let us know if you want to be a part of it. It’s your roll, dudes.
Let’s Go Get High Definition
The new Lebowski edition is here, and in high definition! Now you can see something every bit as stupefyin’ as you’d find at the theater. And in English too! (plus, Spanish and French if you like) This makes us definitely high.
Creedence and the Fuckin’ Eagles, Man
Rev. Stella Quinn is back to run through the jungle, look out her backdoor and even get a peaceful easy feeling in this rockin’ good new article. The Eagles and Creedence — divergent poles of musical Dudeism, or merely birds of a different feather? Listen to the high priest of zymurgy’s story.
Armageddon Outta Here
Years ago, the Dudely Lama wrote a bunch of novels but never published them. One dealt with the end of the world in a far out fashion. It’s finally been published, just in time for Armageddon in 2012. Read fast, you bums! The goddamn plane is crashing into the mountain!
Long Smooth Strokes
Rev.Govna G takes a look at one of Jeff Bridges underrated films – an animated film about surfing penguins. A fun ride or a wipeout? The good Rev plunges in and brings back the surf’s up report.
Magic Carpeting: A Dudeist, a Priest and a Magician
Rev. Tim Churchill introduces us to a man of many hats, Rev. Mark Townsend – a Dudeist Priest, a Christian Priest, a professional magician, and an author. Lotta strands to keep in old Duder’s head, but that’s what makes him so durn innarestin’.
Cock a Doodle Dude: The Moral Message of True Grit
Edward R. Mellow takes a look at the Nitty Gritty of True Grit. What does it say about our time and place? In what ways is it the yang to The Big Lebowski’s yin? All this and more than you even wanted in the first place. And in English too.
Pray Hey Hey: The Dude’s Prayer Set to Music
Our pal Martyn Goodacre has set The Dude’s Prayer to music. This may be the grooviest religious music since Jesus Christ Superstar! Let us know which version you prefer – extra echoey or regular style.
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