Rev. Ed Churchman takes a good and thurrah look at what makes a myth, Mr. Lebowski. All too often it seems we fail to realize that the truth might not be such a…uh, uh, you know? That is, we sometimes forget how to think mythically. Rev. Ed helps guard us against those who would make too many literal connections.
Aw…Look At Me, I’m Ramblin’ Again
Rev. Jason Michel ruminates on what makes a Dude. Is it to be yourself, no matter what the cost? Is that what makes a Dude? Or is it that and a pair of principles: a sense of humor and integrity? Dudeism can mean many things to many people. It’s just our opinion, man, but it’s also important to ask and try to answer these questions.
Just Papers, My Papers, Business Papers
Rev. Amanda Macias shares with us a deep and profound moment on her dudely path. What would you save from a house figuratively (or literally?) burning down? We’re stoked to hear what the good Rev. Amanda grabbed as she bailed out of an undude situation.
Strongly Commended Lebowskian Art
There’s a lot of great Lebowski-inspired art out there, but our pal Joe Forkan is certainly high in the running for most strongly commended worldwide. In juxtaposing Lebowski scenes against important medieval paintings and drawing parallels with them he’s made high art all that much higher indeed. Come see his exhibition in Costa Mesa, CA where big screen meets big canvas!
Big Lebowski L.A. Screening Party and Free Copies of the Abide Guide!
This coming Tuesday night, August 30 a very special Lebowskian event will be taking place in Los Angeles. Find out how to attend. And also find out how to get a free copy of The Abide Guide! The Dudely Lama will be there to bless the event and probably to get a little drunk. Join him!
Dude Apocrypha
An amazing 1998 promo video for The Big Lebowski just came to light, man! Really ties the last 13 years together. Does it not? We also ruminate on the idea of a Lebowski sequel and propose an interesting idea for a Lebowskistein’s monster.
The Music Business, Briefly
Rev. Eirah Lewis looks at the music to our beers–that is, the tunes that tie our lives together. What is Dudely music? Or is all music Dudely? It’s a complicated tape, modern music. Lotta intros and outros. Lotta bands in ol’ Duder’s head.
Dudeism Does Lebowskifest
Well we finally did it. We finally went and attended the Louisville Lebowskifest. The physical epicenter of Lebowski mania. It was everything it was cracked up to be. Finally met some old friends face to face, filmed some far out happenings and bathed in the Dudely vibes. Here’s the Dudely Lama’s thankeeful report.
Planet Dude
Rev. Govna G. takes a look at the planet formerly known as a planet. We’re talking about Pluto here. The boys down at the lab may have decided that El Plutorino is no longer a planet, but whatever you call it, we should consider it a Dudely rock indeed.
The Dad Abides
Rev. Aaron Weintraub comes at us with number onesie in a series of columns about Dudeist parenting. The Dude might have been reluctant to have a little Lebowski on the way, but someone has to perpetuate the whole durn human comedy, right? So what goes into being a Dudeist Dad? It’s a complicated, but cuddly case, man. Doesn’t have to give you a (diaper) rash, if you do it the Dudely way.
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