We were just contacted by an amazing artist named Chris Hoffman who is so talented he makes the great Knox Harrington (the video artist) look like a rank amateur. Check out his incredible, colorful Dudels and maybe even buy one if you’ve got the bones or clams or what have you.
Where’s Duderino?
Now this is really going to blow your mind. A highly commendable artist named Jim Horwat recently created an insanely detailed rendering of The Big Lebowski that really ties the story together in one fell swoop. Sure made us gasp to beat the band. Story, feeling, production values. This one’s got it all.
The Relaxed Supper
Dudeist art is still growing as a field of earnest artistic appreciation. And with this latest offering — a Lebowskian take on Leonardo Da Vinci’s “Last Supper” — it’s about time to get started on a bona fide Dudeseum. We commend it strongly.
It’s All a Show!
Hey all you Church of the Latter-Day Dudes in Salt Lake City! There’s going to be a big Big Lebowski-inspired art show in your neighborhood. Promises to be durned innarestin’. Looks like Dudeism is the new Dadaism.
Deviant Dudeness
Want to get high-cultured? Take a trip to the Dude museum, courtesy of deviantArt.com. They’ve got a marvelously free-spirited array of highly-commended Lebowski-inspired art.
Dudels #1
We’re now a patron of the arts! Our new section “Dudels” aims to promote fine Dudeist arts. Our art has been commended as strongly web-paginal.