From his very dudely job out in the desert, Rev. Art Schaub draws a line in the sand, or an article, rather. Bringing an old story to light – Aesop’s “The Tortoise and the Hare” – he shows how it fits right into the Dudeist canon. Down through the ages, across the sands of the Mojave desert.
Fittin’ Right in There
After a long sabbatical face forward through the glorious muck, Rev. Art Schaub (aka Dudeman Nature) returns with a brilliant essay on the ecology of The Big Lebowski. Turns out that the behavior of the main characters mirror different survival strategies of wild animals! It’s Dudecology 101, man.
Who Gives a Shit About the Fucking Marmot?
Dudeman Nature Art Schaub takes a deeper look at that most misunderstood of Big Lebowski characters: The Marmot. There never was any fucking marmot — it was a ferret in fact. The DN gives us the down low on the difference between the two. In a nutshell: one is a dude, the other a nihilist. It’s all part of the deeper symbolism of a very complex movie (and world).
A Man for His Time and Place
Dudeman Nature Art Schaub summons the spirit of the tumbling tumbleweeds in a heartfelt tribute to Edward Abbey, a great dude and a good man. Without people like him, there might not be any tumbleweeds, trails, or park rangers left.
OK, Time for Plan B
Rev. Art Schaub starts off the new year with a bang – rumors are afoot in the scientific community about a big natural catastrophe a-coming. In other words, let’s enjoy life while we can. Carpe Dudem, dude. It’s the end of the world as we know it, and we…can’t be worried about that shit. Life goes on, man. Or doesn’t.
It’s Pretty Easy Being Green if You Just Take it Easy, Man
Our Field Dudeologist Art Schaub looks at the neo-Green movement and finds it’s often more about greenbacks and envy. For a kinder shade of green, our budding “Dudement” may surpass the emerald citizens in true greeniosity.
Doctor Dudelittle: The Inherent Dudeism of Animals