Looking to enhance your frame of reference? Then pop on over to Dude University, where two brilliant new theses have been posted. They’re pretty deep, so you might want to limber up your mind a bit first!
Dude Standard Time
Rev. Hieronymous Moondog stubs his big Tao against the space-time continuum in his latest Pin Dudeism piece, looking at the elastic, fantastic and entirely relativistic nature of what we call time. Something that we relaxionary Dudeists should always keep in mind.
The (Very) High Jewish Holiday of Purim
Rev. Todo Duderado shares an excerpt from his story collection “Acidhead and Stories” in which he discovers the meaning behind the wild and crazy Jewish holiday of Purim while tripping on acid at a music festival. Made us hallucinate to beat the band.
Surprised at My Tears #3: Fear part II
Rev. Andrea Favro (The Dudeship of Italy) tackles Dudeist emotions once again. In this second part of his examination of that fucking bitch of an emotion, fear, he looks at the fear of death. Can’t be worried about that shit — life goes on, man — even when it doesn’t.
Sketch it, Dude
We were just contacted by an amazing artist named Chris Hoffman who is so talented he makes the great Knox Harrington (the video artist) look like a rank amateur. Check out his incredible, colorful Dudels and maybe even buy one if you’ve got the bones or clams or what have you.
The Lebowski Oracle
Dudeism has its mysteries and mysticism just like any other religion. Blogger Valerie D’Orazio relates her own mystical encounter with the Dude. She also introduces some upcoming talking Big Lebowski dolls.
Turn that Shit Up, Man!
Another great mix of Lebowski audio clips set to groovy music has surfaced. That dance quintet is really coming along now…
New Jack-o-lanterns Have Come to Light!
One of our Dudest Priests has produced some seriously far-out jack-o-lanterns for Halloween this year. Check em out and think about making your own Dude-o-lantern!
Map it, Dude
Screw Waldo – Where’s Walter? And the Dude for that matter? A bunch of Dudeists have started to put together a map of the Dudeist demographic. Just getting off the ground so only a tiny fraction of our nearly 70,000 priests are on it, but if you will it dude, it is no dream.
Dudeography 101: Venice, CA, Home of The Dude
In our first travel feature, Rev. Jay Mash ventures out to the city of the Dude – Venice Beach, CA – to see if it’s truly as dudely as he’d hoped. Let’s just say he dug its style.
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