The Dudespaper’s Chilean correspondent, Andrea Miranda Atenas provides us a view from on-high of The Dude’s Bunga-low. She really tied the rooms together, did she not?
I’d Love It If You Came Over And Gave Me Notes
Our good buddy Chalupa over at serves up life lessons distilled from The Big Lebowski.
It’s Pretty Easy Being Green if You Just Take it Easy, Man
Our Field Dudeologist Art Schaub looks at the neo-Green movement and finds it’s often more about greenbacks and envy. For a kinder shade of green, our budding “Dudement” may surpass the emerald citizens in true greeniosity.
Great Dudes in History: Jeff Dowd
Just in time for his birthday, this Great Dudes in History installment pays respect to the man behind The Man (“for his time’n place”) – Jeff Dowd, the dude who inspired the character of “The Dude” himself.
No Frame of Reference #2
Arch Dudeship Dwayne Eutsey muses on the holiday season – the good, the bad, and the not-on-the-rugly. How to avoid the commercialized hype? Look to history for the answers. And do it through mulled-cider colored glasses.
Dude-Duder-Dudeist #3
Learn Dudeism by easy example.
The Big Lebowski Musical
Chuck at has come up with a brilliant idea. Shame it’s not likely to come to fruition in our lifetimes: A Big Lebowski Musical. Fabulous stuff, man.
Sermons from the Sofa: Sofa, So Good
In this first Sermon, The Dudely Lama extols the sacred virtues of the modern couch. It is both the altar and the pew of The Church of the Latter Day Dude. In many cases it’s also the kitchen, shrine and confessional chamber.
No Frame of Reference #1
Archdudeship Dwayne Eutsey introduces his new column and also makes a clarion call for Dudes everywhere to unite under Dudeism’s suitably broken-in banner.
Great Dudes in History – Mitch Hedberg
The honor goes to this Great Dude in History, a comedian who just released a posthumous album and cracks us up from beyond the grave.