Rev. Ed Churchman returns to the Dudespaper’s fold with an amiable story about ambulating through life. Which path are you going to take when you Westward the Wagons? Advocating the path of loose change, Rev. Ed concludes that the more innarestin path might just be the way to go.
Lotta Strands in Old Duder’s Sweater
Dig the Dude’s sweater? Well now you can make your own (if you know how to knit and have lots of time, or know someone who does). A young urbane achiever with the necessary reams of yarn solved the case and posted the pattern.
Movie Review: ‘Surfer, Dude’
As we all know, surf culture plays a big part in the history of Dudeism, so we were stoked to hear about a film with Matt McConaughey and Woody Harrelson which addresses this very topic. The movie has its ups and downs, strikes and gutters, but Rev. J.D. Lafrance helps you make up your own limber mind about it.
The Burning Dude Festival
Too lazy to go to the Burning Man festival? Then hop in your Ford Torino this Saturday and drive on over to Dockweiler State Beach in Los Angeles for a much more easygoing, Dudeish and totally free event. Watch the sun set with some other Dudeists and watch as a Dudeist Priest burns a D.
Review: Two Gentlemen of Lebowski
Our man with the literal connections, Chalupa from Lebowskipodcast has turned off his DVD player and curled up with a lovely piece of class — Adam Bertocci’s “Two Gentlemen of Lebowski.” To read or not to read, that is the question. (Hint: the answer is “read.”)
The Little Lebowski Shop
Having started the first of (what we hope to be) many Lebowski-themed retail outlets in the world, we were eager to chat with proprietor Roy Preston of the Little Lebowski Shop in NYC. If you’re in the area, go down and help support this zesty enterprise.
The Lebowski Complex: Growing Up 1.5
Deep dude Tim Carroll takes a look at the modern problem of too much information, man, and posits that we are all of us like Lebowski, trying to sort through all the strands that the information age has put in our heads. Now there’s a name for the complex, so that’s what you call it.
Dudeism for Christians
As one of the many Christian Dudeists out there, Rev. PadreDelElToro sees a lot of Dudeism in Christianity and vice-versa. Only the central Dudeist message of that ancient faith has too often gone missing. Luckily, the good Padre is here to fit it right back in there. Why read the whole Bible? This article contains all you really need to know about The Jesus and what God blathered about.
Controlled Dudemolition: The Facebook Conspiracy Against Dudeism
Facebook removed our “International Burn a Jay Day” thread from our Facebook page. They said it was because it promoted nudity and drugs, but we suspect that stranger (and more sinister) things are afoot at the circle D.
Zendudes Make Symposium a Success
Rev. GMS is back again to share more of his experiences at the Zen Peacemakers’ symposium back in August. He shares behind-the-scenes anecdotes and gives a shout out to some very Dudely folks who helped make the event a serious (and not so serious) achievement.
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