Reverend Colin is back with a report on what it’s like to be a new father. While not explicitly Dudeist, this article has many good points that could be applied to abing in many situations. Join Colin as he discovers what being a new parent means.
What Imperial March?
Reverend Colin Flahive reminds us that things could be worse, and used to be. The evening news and social media would have you think it’s the end of the world. But is it?
A Musing on Abiding
Reverend Mike the Buddhist-Dudeist Priest shares some of his observations about abiding with us. He offers some ways to help stay chilled out and zen-like in the face of some modern day challenges.
The Way of the White Russian
Reverend Ben Gale shares his observations about the metaphoric similarities between a tasty White Russian and Dudeist existentialism. Taken separately light and dark can be too bland or too bitter. However, when the two are mixed as a whole they can be just right.
Dudeism and Enlightenment
Troy Lambert takes a look at the ways Buddhism and Dudeism share some similarities. How much does Dudeist enlightenment resemble Buddhist enlightenment?
Dead-stroke: The Tao of Pool
Bowling or playing pool are just a couple of ways to find your inner Zen. Rev Thomas R. Bell gives some insight and advice for finding “the zone” in your game.
Do you want to be happy?
Rev. Michael A. Emero gives us three easy steps to finding a more happiness through abiding.
Thanks, Dudeism!
Rev. Madaline Fogelsong decided to give thanks every day for a week to the things in her life that deserve it. Dudeism was one of those who were thankied. And a Dude day to you, ma’am!
I Came to the End of My Tether
Rev. Mark Walter describes a recent nervous breakdown and his subsequent rebirth through just takin’ er easy, discovering Dudeism and founding his own Dudeist monastery. When you come to the end of your tether, get a new tether, man.
Flippin’ Pennies
Our pal c.c. keiser, proponent of the Do No Harm philosophy and admin at our forum talks about lucky pennies, karma and personality. Let’s join him on a pleasant ramble while levitating through the forest.