Rev. Hieronymous Moondog presents a Dudeist koan of a piece for us to ponder. To do or to be. That is the question, one Frank Sinatra posed in idiosyncratic style. As Thoreau might have put it, the answer is simplicity itself.
Lazy Wisdom 3
In the latest installment of the Lazy Wisdom trilogy (which we hope will not remain a trilogy), Rev. Hieronymous Moondog serves up a bowl of beer nuggets of Dudeist Widsom. Touching on ideas and quotes from Dudeist saints both alive and recently passed, there’s plenty in here to help us get through the whole durn human comedy. Parts, anyway.
Lazy Widsom 2
Second in a series of investigative slackerology, Rev. Hieronymous Moondog takes a look at some more of the upstanding layabouts in the glorious history of Dudeism.
Lazy Wisdom
Has the whole world gone fucking crazy? We sure hope so. Rev. Hieronymous Moondog introduces us to the Little Lebowski on the way that comes from a union of Wes Nisker (“Crazy Wisdom”) and Thaddeus Golas (“The Lazy Man’s Guide to Enlightenment”). Lazy Wisdom sounds like the wave of the future, dude.
Tao Soda, Man…
Just in time for the Academy Awards, Rev. Hieronymous Moondog runs into a curious someone at the Duder Bar. It’s a feller who bears an incredible resemblance to Bad Blake, the character Jeff Bridges portrays in Crazy Heart — the performance we’re all hoping JB wins an award for. Some innerestin’ parallels between Crazy Heart and The Big Lebowski, and this wise feller enlightens us to them.
Fucking Chuang Tzu, Man! (A Modest Proposal)
Once again the good Rev. Hieronymous Moondog brings the new shit to light. Or in this case, old shit — he pays respects to that most venerable Dudeist sage Chuang-Tzu, one of the Dudefathers of Taoism. And with Chuang Tzu in mind, he also suggests an interesting idea for a semi-sequel (distant prequel?) to The Big Lebowski.
Dude Standard Time
Rev. Hieronymous Moondog stubs his big Tao against the space-time continuum in his latest Pin Dudeism piece, looking at the elastic, fantastic and entirely relativistic nature of what we call time. Something that we relaxionary Dudeists should always keep in mind.
A Serious Dude
Who better to comment on the inscrutable Coen Koans than our very own Pin Dudeist master Hieronymous Moondog? The good Reverend takes his characteristically oblique look at this latest (and one of the greatest?) Coen Brothers films.
Strange Days?
Investigating the eerie September 11th coincidence inherent in The Big Lebowski, our mystic-on-the-case Hieronymous Moondog finds himself in an escalating whirlwind of coincidence and conflagration. What’s it all about? Well dude, we just don’t know.
The Duderino Groove
Hieronymus Moondog mixes his jiggers and jigs by cutting the rug in the bar and explaining the DSC (Dudeist State of Consciousness), which when practiced properly invokes the celebrated “Duderino Groove.”