Despite using the handle of a well-known mexican fast food franchise, our roving reporter Chalupa is also a fan of good burgers, dude. And so it was that on one lunch break at Wendy’s he had a sort of epiphany after meeting a young employee there, who despite having a less-than-enviable job expressed such enthusiasm for a certain brand of soda that it proved to be food for the soul. A very dude attitude indeed.
Lazy Widsom 2
Second in a series of investigative slackerology, Rev. Hieronymous Moondog takes a look at some more of the upstanding layabouts in the glorious history of Dudeism.
Derby and the Dude
Now while Dudeists might be prone to periods of extreme inactivity, we’re also fond of a sporting good time: The Dude was an achieved bowler, after all. And patron saint Jeff Spicoli was an avid surfer. Now our very own Rev. Wendy sings the praises of Roller Derby! Unlike being a golfer, it may be the only sport that’s might be more fun to watch than to play. Cheer on Rev. Wendy and read her heartfelt article of faith. Sounds exhausting. And awesome.
Your own Personal Genie Part 2
Italian Dudeship Andrea Favro inspired us all last December with his genius article “Your Own Personal Genie.” Now he revists the topic thurrahly to provide us with some practical tips on how to throw rocks tonight and every night.
Lazy Wisdom
Has the whole world gone fucking crazy? We sure hope so. Rev. Hieronymous Moondog introduces us to the Little Lebowski on the way that comes from a union of Wes Nisker (“Crazy Wisdom”) and Thaddeus Golas (“The Lazy Man’s Guide to Enlightenment”). Lazy Wisdom sounds like the wave of the future, dude.
Keep it Limber, Dude
Rev. Ed Churchman pours us a tall cool one in honor of St. Patrick’s Day — a look at what it truly means to keep your mind limber. Hint: getting totally wasted on whiskey does not make it limber, it makes it limp. But the other danger is that of a rigid mind. How do we move through life limberly, like those maligned snakes old Patty drove out of Ireland? The honorable Reverend explains.
Dear Dudely #4
This just in: an elderly Dude ruminates on the way he’s planning to exit stage left from this whole durn human comedy. It’s an inspiring and funny letter that we all could learn something from, if we listened occasionally.
No Frame of Reference #16
Happy Day of the Dude everybody! Are you happy, you crazy fucks? Well, if you’re not, then this gem of a sermon by the Arch Dudeship Dwayne Eutsey should take the edge off some. It is a paean to all Dudeist things, both great and small, strikes and gutters, ups and what-have-you. Aside from honoring several great dudes in history the good Rev. also points out some other innarestin’ things that have also happened on March 6th and which have a literal connection to Dudeism!
Tao Soda, Man…
Just in time for the Academy Awards, Rev. Hieronymous Moondog runs into a curious someone at the Duder Bar. It’s a feller who bears an incredible resemblance to Bad Blake, the character Jeff Bridges portrays in Crazy Heart — the performance we’re all hoping JB wins an award for. Some innerestin’ parallels between Crazy Heart and The Big Lebowski, and this wise feller enlightens us to them.
Levelling – In Pursuit of the Spiritual Bungalow
Rev. Ed Churchman bowls another big one to us from old blighty, explaining how the Levellers movement helped usher in a much more Dudeist way of life for the British. Though their methods could be a bit on the Sobchak side, they paved the way for future Dude movements all over the world. Now every man’s bungalow is his mansion.
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